You Forgot Your Helmet

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Disclaimer: The characters and world belong to Brandon Sanderson, not to me. The Mulan quotes belong to Disney, not to me. I do, however, own the rest of the writing, and you may not claim it as your own.  This is a work of fanfiction from which I will not be making a profit.

Also, I haven't got my hands on Cytonic or any of the novellas yet, so no spoilers please <3

It was early evening. Still a few hours from curfew, but late enough that my mother would be home. I knocked on the door, because I didn't want to scare my mother (Gran-Gran was never startled). My mother opened it, a look of puzzlement on her face and a dishcloth gripped in one hand. We looked at each other for a second before she pulled me into a tight hug.  Feeling how tense I was (this wasn't going to be a fun conversation), she let me go and I stepped inside, shutting the door behind me. 

"Leave again, or did something happen?" My mother asked, concern and just a little bit of hope in her eyes. 

I sighed. Might as well get it over with. "I'm out. I ejected. I'll go back to rat catching." I tried my best to keep a straight face, and act like it didn't matter, but my voice came out a little quivery all the same. 

My mother's expression softened. "Oh Spensa. I know you wanted to be a pilot, but can't pretend I'm not glad that my only child is alive and well. Now come sit down, we're just about to eat dinner." 

Well, that was anticlimactic, I thought, following her down the hallway and into the kitchen. No I told you so's, or jumping with joy, or asking why I'd suddenly abandoned my lifelong claims of non-cowardice and ejected

Entering the kitchen, Mother and I sat down at our usual spots at the table, on either side of Gran-Gran. "Ah, Spensa. I thought you were coming. So sorry about what happened. I hope you still like rat meat," she said, turning to look at me with her milky eyes as my mother filled a plate for me.

I smiled a little. It was just like Gran-Gran to get straight to the point that way. "Rat meat is wonderful, but nothing will ever compare to the algae fries they serve at the DDF," I replied. "I'm going to have to make FM buy me some more of them. Wait no, Jerkface. It will be much more fun to spend his money."

I didn't know Gran-Gran could smirk, but now that I did, I wished I didn't. "So you met a nice boy up there on the surface. What is he like." she asked, taking a bite of rat meat. 

"There wasn't time for boys Gran-Gran!" I protested. "And this one is a jerk, if you didn't pick that up." 

Gran-Gran sighed. "You should have brought home a boy instead of bad news. It would have been much more entertaining."

I shook my head and had just speared a piece of meat on the end of my own fork when someone knocked on the door. My mother sighed and got up to open it. The kitchen wasn't very far from the door, so I could hear it clearly when someone inquired, "Excuse me, does Spensa Nightshade live here?" Someone who spoke with a posh deep cavern accent. 

"Spensa, there's someone here to see you." My mother called. With a sigh, I got up from the table and made my way to the door. Why in the name of all the stars in the galaxy was Jerkface paying me a call? I passed my mother as she headed back to the kitchen and she gave me a small knowing smile, to which I responded by rolling my eyes. 

Hands on hips, I faced Jerkface, who was standing just inside the doorway, and for some unknowable reason, holding my DDF helmet in his hands. "What do you want, Jerkface?" I asked, staring up  at him (Because that's what happens when you're only five feet tall).

He looked a little shocked to see me, which was strange considering he asked if I lived here. "Umm, Spensa. You, um, you forgot your helmet." He held it out to me upside down, and I took it, feeling very confused. 

"Why exactly did you bring me my helmet?" I asked.

Jorgen swallowed and blushed a little. "Cobb said we were dismissed with whatever honors mattered to us, and I figured you'd want this."

"Why thank you," I said, tucking it under my arm. "It will be a great place to store the severed heads of my enemies." 

Jorgen stared at me in shock, and I laughed. "Don't worry. I don't think the DDF would ever forgive me if I killed you. You provide the dose of humor necessary to run the place every time someone asks for your callsign. It's my greatest legacy."

"I think saving lives is your greatest legacy, Spensa," He said quietly. 

Why does Jerkface have to be so serious all the time! I thought angrily as a light blush spread across my cheeks. 

As if she knew what was happening, (And I wouldn't be surprised if she did) Gran-Gran called out, "Spensa, the food is getting cold while you flirt." 

Now it was Jorgen's turn to blush. I was about to demand that he leave before my grandmother appeared with wedding rings when an idea struck me. "Do you want to stay for dinner, if rat meat isn't below your fancy deep cavern standards?" I asked. It would be worth the teasing to see him try and keep a straight face through an entire dinner with my family. 

Gran-Gran, who had probably heard my thoughts, picked that moment to add to the conversation again. "Would you like to stay forever?" She yelled before being shushed by my mother. 

"Ummm," Jorgen, the articulate genius, said again, looking around in surprise. "Dinner would be great, but only if you come to one of my family's parties in return." 

Smiling and secretly planning the many ways I could embarrass him, I led him down the hallway.  

As I said in the description, that was heavily based on the ending scene of Mulan. I kind of want to write a whole Mulan AU now, where Spensa pretends to be a boy because the DDF doesn't take girls, and Jorgen is still her flighleader (the Shang part) and M-Bot is essentially Mushu. Anyone interested?

You Forgot Your Helmet [Jensa/Spinface Oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now