10. she's dead and I'm the one who killed her.

En başından başla

As the screen her phone smashes down onto the gravel and her own being crashed into the solidity of the stone-layered brickwork- she didn't know if she was dead but all she knew was that she couldn't feel her body hit the ground but knew she had. Face first.

"So powerful... but yet so... dead." Beatrix brushed her face, feeling the static shock against her skin. "You could have been great, Averie." The display didn't last long at all. The girl used her power. Unlocking the boot of the noir SUV in the courtyard before escorting the girl's body into the compact space. Her slender, pale finger tips stroking the once warm girl's skin. Skin which was emitted scarlet fluid from the indentations on her face from the previous offensive manueuvre.

Her hands slammed the boot shut, just before she was joined by the company of the fire fairy that she had also had her eye on- for a different purpose than the deceased girl packed into the storage compartment of the Solarian escort vehicle. "Oh, hey, Beatrix..." The American stated, the girl she was referring to portrayed a smile on her lips.

"And what are you doing all the way over here?" The preppy dressed girl pondered. The blue eyed fairy shooting her a knowing look, earning a tick of the tongue from the girl. "Oh~ Looking for clues about you birth parents, again... Come on..." Her magic opening the red door that led into the place that Bloom seemed answers from.

The two had been joined by the specialist roommates, one of which received a text from the girl. "Have you seen Ave?" The blonde boy queried with both girls, but primarily the girl's roommate.

She replied shaking her head, fingers flicking through archived photographs, that contained the face of the woman imprinted into her memories. "She was supposed to eat breakfast with us but never showed..." The absence of the missing girl developed an unsettling emotion inside of his body.

It also caused Riven's heckles to be up. He cared for the girl in a different way than Sky did.

Averie was smart-mouthed, powerful but she was also accepting of his behaviour. And never judged him on his misjudged habits. Because she had those hobbies, too and had been named a 'slut' for one mistake. Not to mention the secret she held that had been revealed to the entire student body.

Beatrix analysed picture that Bloom held, "so what do you want to know about Rosalind?" The red-head turned around.

"You do realise I'm not gonna trust someone that posted a video mocking my friend, right?" Sky stood behind the girl he knew little about.

"I was a bystander, the real person out of the two of us you should blame isn't me..."

The two males decided to spread the word that the girl was missing. Leaving Bloom and Beatrix alone- preoccupied with the search for facts concerning Rosalind. However, their location changed as yhe location of 'Aster Dell' came into conversation. "It looks like Rosalind is in a place called Aster Dell..." The girls sat at one of tables present within Mr Silva's locked room, "maybe my birth parents weren't students."

Her eyes locked onto the aged paperwork. "Maybe they were from this Aster Dell place." Beatrix hadn't been focusing on the girl's voice until her second time stating the name.

Face peering, glooming under the lack of light. "Did you say Aster Dell?"

That conversation caused the reaction of Beatrix hot wiring the car she had broken into previously. The one which had the corpse of Averie contained in the boot. "Did you just hotwire a car?" A glint of adventure present within the blue eyes of the girl. Her body slipping into the passenger seat, "how do you know how to hotwire a car?"

A smirk lapped on the air fairy's lips. "I know how to do a lot of things."

As he heard the sound of an engine and viewed the black vehicle leave the grounds, the leather wearing, blonde specialist sprinted through to the courtyard, the Solarian vehicle no longer there. But something did catch his eye, the device on the floor. The screen cracked and smashed but he could see the notifications on the lock screen of the Winx Suite members all in a picture taken before the events of the Senior Specialist's Party. "Fuck! Fuck... fuck!" His voice yelled out into the surrounding area. He legs carried him in a run that rivalled the swiftness of her own movements.

He ran into the Headmistress' office, not knocking before entering only to find three members of the Winx Suite speaking heartedly at the trio of teachers on the other side of the desk. "Sky, can you leave us?" It was the accent of his father figure and mentor. He shook his head, lifting the smashed phone that belonged to one of the missing girls that were of current interest in the investigation of Callum's murder.

"I think something bad has happened to Averie!"

______________________________ ☾︎•°_______________________________

Bloom had learnt of the atrocities at Aster Dell, her mind in disbelief at the behaviour of the adults she was supposed to trust within Alfea College. The sudden impact and loss of control alarmed the girls. The second and third hits from the scarlet arrows caused the vehicle to swerve, almost off of the road itself. Beatrix was ripped out of the vehicle, slightly- bracelets impeded themselves into her skin.

The ginger leapt out on her own, shaking as the two male teachers restrained her. Her body forcing Saul Silva to jolt the back entrance of the noir vehicle. Activating mechanism to the boot. As the suspension opened the trunk, all three saw the recognisable body of the missing suite member. Her hands motionless, like the rest of her body.

Bloom's eyes started to prick with tears daring to fall- as they did. Silva shared a look of morbidity with both faculty members. Glaring down at the laughing figure being shoved into the other vehicle they had travelled in. "Averie Alexander... so powerful..." Her maniacal voice in hysterics, "...but she's dead and I'm the one who killed her."

It was true. Averie was dead.

Her mind couldn't see or feel anything that happened.

Her last moments spent in fear and regret...

Regret that she never got to see the face and hear the voice of Sky before she took her last breath.

______________________________ ☾︎•°_______________________________

Hi loves, how r u doin'? Hope ur all safe and doing well.

First of all wanted to thank you all for the support of this book that was written on a whim. Sending my love to all of u!

And lastly, this ISNT THE END OF THE BOOK...

Love u all again 💓


aerial magic | SKY | fate: winx sagaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin