As All Might walked out of the door, students began to scramble out of their seats and to find their case. Senshi's seat number was 16, and based on common knowledge she picked up case number 16; following the girls to the changing rooms.

When Senshi had sent in her request, she didn't really know what she wanted, yet based on her infinite ability to think of figure-skating costumes she simply went with those abilities. Senshi opened her case and began to get undressed, the costume hugging her frame with perfection. The costume itself was mainly black, being a body suit yet the neckline was high being up to her throat; and as well as this there was no material on her shoulders, Senshi have long fingerless gloved that went up to her elbows. The gloves were still made of the same material as the main costume, which Senshi could only describe as a thick swimming costume. Other than the colour black, there was a royal blue design that seemed like a mix of the pro heroes Hawks and Endeavor; yet the royal blue seemed to have a slight glow to it, matching that of her quirk.

There was utility belt around her waist that was also coloured a royal blue colour; though it didn't have a glow. Senshi had black boots to her costume, which were abnormally comfortable. Senshi was extremely happy with the results, it being a change to her usual short dresses that were glam this glam that from ice skating; she still loved those however. Her soulmate mark was on full display, yet she didn't think much of it; and was grateful that no one had asked about it.

Senshi and her classmates exited the changing rooms and headed towards Ground Beta, which, after a few wrong turns, they found.

"They say clothes make the pros ladies and gentlemen, and behold you are the proof." All might annotated as the twenty members enters the faux city. "Take this to heart, from now on you are all, heroes in training! This is getting me all revved up you look so cool! Now, should we get started you bunch of newbies." All Might continued.

Okay, maybe she didn't look as ugly in that costume. Bakugo had thought less about the ice skating girl as of the past day, decided the situation wasn't worth it to live in his head rent free. Though he personally thought that his costume was the best, and not only that, most convenient. 

"Now that you're ready it's time for combat training" All might announced 

"Sir, this is the fake city from out entrance exam, does that mean we will be conducting urban battles again?" Iida inquired, Senshi would have never guessed that it was the boy under the armour of a costume.

"Not quite, I'm moving you two steps ahead. Most of the villain battles you see on the news take place outside, however statistically speaking, run-ins with the most dastardly evil doers take place indoors. Think about it, back room deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs, truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows. On this training exercise, you'll be splitting into teams of good guys, and bad guys and fight 2 on 2 indoor battles." All Might explained

"Isn't this a little advanced?" Asui asked, many others nodding along.

 "The best training is what you get on the battle field. But remember you can't just punch a robot this time, you're dealing with actual people now." All Might explained further, not even a second later a hoard of questions was headed his way.

"Sir, will you be the one deciding who wins?"
"How much can we hurt the other team?"
 "Do we need to be worried about getting expelled like earlier?"
"Will you be splitting us us based on chance or comparative skill?"
"Is this cape très chique?"

 "I wasn't finish talking." All Might said, sweat dropping. All Might then pulled out a note book which he seemed to now be reading off of. "Listen up! The situation is this, the villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout, the heroes must try to foil their plans. To do that, the good guys either have to catch the evil does or recover the weapon. Likewise the bad guys succeed if they protect the missile of capture the heroes. Time is limited and you will choose teams by choosing lots!" All might said, with a box which had 'lots' written on it.

Hiraeth (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now