9. i'm drunk, not stupid.

Start from the beginning

Her body feet sprinted, sliding on her knees as the razor claws slashed through the bark of the tree. It's target evading it. Her hands dropping the duel blades as her fingertips released the combination of aerial and electrical combat. Sky swore he could see the sparks springing off of her retinas as she unleashed her attack. He also saw how her head nodded for him to slash the beast as its body catapulted through the wind; her domain, whilst seizing mid-air due to the volts that conducted through its cells. 

The body slashed the Burned One through its back, not before the creature tossed the boy backwards with the force of its left arm. "Close your eyes!" The duo and all the newcomers to the battle complied with the words that came from the long-haired blonde's mouth. 

They could witness the glare of iridescent light through their eyelids before snapping them open again, Stella had blinded the creature. Averie looked down at the markings that slashed through her calf- not feeling it due to the adrenaline coursing through her veins. "Bloom, Aisha!!!" Her voice screeched. Ordering the two opposing magical type fairies to use their attacks together. In an attempt to solidify the danger.

With a flash of orange and the flow of azure their magic collided one after another. The beast incapacitated. Musa's eyes flicked magenta. "Guys, I don't think-"

The creature bursting into a reflex, lunging at the five fairies before the middle of the Burned One lit up. A light exuding from it. The premise warm but the cause unknown. "It wasn't dead... but now it is." The voice of Farah Dowling sounded from behind the quintet. Her silver glowing eyes explaining what caused the burst of light sourcing from the creature. They returned to the normal darkened hazel colour, landing on the wincing female in the indigo dress. "The five of you, wait for me in Fairy Hall." The girls headed off, Stella flashing her boyfriend a solemn look of apology. 

The headmistress her attention to the first and second-year. "Sky, escort Miss Alexander to Professor Harvey, she seems to have been injured by the Burned One." His eyes dropped to the girl's ankle. 

Averie was about to hobble over to the blonde male but he paced over to her position instead. Grabbing each of his specialist's blades that were placed on the ground by the female. He slotted them into the slung-over equipment belt whilst he sheathed his sword. "Hurt too bad?" The low accent stated, his arm wrapping around her waist as she limped to trail back. Miss Dowling was kneeled beside the Burned One, calculating the dangers that were impending.

The two specialists entered the double transparent doors of the greenhouse. Professor Harvey unravelling Silva's wound. Revealing a clean open wound- but at least it would begin to heal. The earth warlock looked up, as did the specialist trainer. "I've brought you another patient, Professor." The male stated, Averie standing on her left leg whilst lifting the other- relieving the pressure off of the deep incision.

"You two are considerably stupid and have a death wish." His Yorkshire accent stated, whilst Averie settled on the bench, leg out for Professor Harvey, who applied some sort of liquid on her wound. Her eyes watched how Sky and Silva embraced. The paternalist nature of it. It caused her to smile.

"You'll make a full recovery, Averie." Ben Harvey stated, smiling up to the girl. Who looked at the way her fishnets had been furtherly wrecked by the small lacerations that cut into her flesh. The wound now covered in bandages. 

"Thank you, Professor Harvey..." Her eyes matched with Sky's. The two adults witnessing the look they shared. Raising their eyebrows to each other.

The teacher handed her a glass filled with orange gel. "As long as you apply this every morning and night the wound won't hurt whilst training and shouldn't leave too much of a scar." 

Farah Dowling was present in front of the five fairies after having a rant to them concerning running into the face of danger after she had told them not to pursue the Burned Ones after the incident a week prior.

"Leave 'em guys..." Averie spoke, Sky letting go of her limping figure as she hobbled up the stairs, with the help of her two roommates. They left the princess and her boyfriend to discuss their issues.

As they walked around the corner, the air fairy heard, " I can't do it anymore, Stel. We're done." The tone final.

His words caused guilt and unease to fill Averie. Something that Musa felt within her suite mate, along with the pain of knowing tomorrow she'd have to face the school.

After Stella revealed that Averie had paralysed her brother on purpose.

When in fact and actuality, it was the stupid mistake of a nine-year-old fairy who had been born with powerful magic.

It was in self-defence and was meant to help her family... not hurt them.

Something Stella missed out of her mass text which were still being forwarded until everyone knew.

aerial magic | SKY | fate: winx sagaWhere stories live. Discover now