Chapter 1: A New Start

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My only memory I have is the loss of my father, as the darkness surrounds me and him. Eventually it consumed him and I walked towards a dim light that shone in the distance. It felt warm. Was it a path? One for me to follow as I walk into that light. I hear a mumble behind me, as the darkness tried to reach out to me. My fathers last words unclear as I walk away. However my now robotic heart started to hurt and drew me to look in the direction of his broken words.

"Go forward my daughter, you may not be human now but you shall shine, shine brighter as you walk into the future. My dear Hatsune". My heart wanted me to stay but my body knew I couldn't stand still any longer. I needed to hear them words, the tears shower down my face and I ran back towards the light.

That is it...I am not human, but I am now Hatsune Miku. The girl who needs a purpose in life.

"I may not be human but I shall get through it, father. I will find them memories scattered around, no matter how far I have to search" I smiled even though it felt like I was leaving a piece of me behind, an important piece. I was dying, even though I am just a robot I felt my heart break. "I love you father, goodbye."

I stumbled into the light and let out a cry. These tear overflow out of my eyes, that only memory. My one treasure. My chest is tight and I want to fall. However as I look up I knew the scenery had changed, the darkness was gone. Confused I noticed strange objects falling around me, they felt warm, just like the light that brought me here. 

Still unaware of my surroundings as passing people stare at me, suddenly my head starts to hurt as I recall colours and sounds in my head. Small parts of names form; I guess I haven't remembered everything though. I just have to wait a bit longer, I know if I find someone I knew they I sound gain something back. 

That aim in mind, I peered around to notice a blue blur emerge from behind what appears to be a tree.

"It can't be" I muttered to myself. "This person seems familiar". I ran towards the figure, getting closer I can make out that he is male. He has to be, a simple name starts to form in the back of my mind. I cannot be certain but I shout it anyway. "KAITO".

He turned around surprised. I leap back losing my footing, then falling. He reaches out but I knew he couldn't catch me in time; I shut my eyes and hope for the best. Expecting the hard ground to injure me it came as a surprise when I felt hands around my waist. Comforting my fall. I swiftly turned my head and it turns out to be another one.  (Another person like me)

"Ouch" He murmured the shock on his face but he realised pretty quickly who I was. "Miku-nee?"

As more forgotten memories rush though my brain, joy filled up inside. At this point I don't know a lot about myself but his voice and hands. They were just right, I knew that he is a special person to me.

I smiled, please I managed to stand up. "I found you, Len"

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