... haha

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hey yall.. im so so so so so sorry for whatever I'm about to say, but I'll be taking a hiatus for a while. I don't know how long it will be but I just need a break from this first. (and if this seems really overdramatic I am so sorry.)


I'm currently on writer's block and day after day I just kind of find myself overthinking to the brink of exhaustion and its quite becoming unhealthy..

I honestly wrote this not knowing where to go, or how to end it. I just started this account for fun and now I don't know how I got here. (THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT THOUGH! I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!)

I don't enjoy writing as much as I used to anymore and I just find it more or less exhausting now. No promises, whether I'll still come back or not and continue on these stories, but I can guarantee you that if that happens you'll have a new chapter to wait on. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

Sorry for breaking promises, I'm not good at those aren't I? It just kind of got really tiring.. but to all of you who supported this account and my writings, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I don't think I'll write for a long time? Maybe I'm not cut out for it?

Maybe I'll continue it when I have more experience you know? Or restart all over again.. or let's just see what time can bring to us.

For now I just want to be a reader as well, and avoid the stress I get from writing sometimes. (or plain doing anything (;_;))

I also would like to apologize for any offensive comments and content I might have done because of my ignorance. I wasn't called out, I just had a very long self reflection on myself, and I want to be someone I could be proud of and someone with less regrets.

I'd like to deal with my own problems and be a better person when I come back. (call it running away from my problems whee)

But that's a personal problem I'll have to handle~

It's another reason why I want to take a break from here.(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾

And Lastly

To the friends I made here, I'm very thankful for you all and for supporting me through my journey here, as well as the people who helped me improve my overall writing style in a way.

So to summarize it all, I would just like to improve my self both as a writer and a person. I want to come back here better skill wise and person wise.

It's scary these days, so I just want to avoid any issues and drama. I really don't want to make decisions I'll regret.. but meeting you fellow readers are definitely something I'm thankful for.

There's so much more I want to say but I'll stop here ^^;

Sorry for the long rant and for this sudden action, but I would just like to say.

Thank you wattpad for this opportunity you gave me to kind of develop into finding myself.

Thank you to the friends I made here that helped me in my problems and dilemmas.

Thank you to the people who kept supporting me no matter what (and I'm sorry too ( ;∀;))

and to everyone..


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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