Endgame-1: Chapter 22

Start from the beginning

Looking intrigued Tony agreed, and they listened to their plan. 

"Wait...your talking time travel...that sounds dangerous...and impossible,"  Gwen said. 

Tony nodded. "Impossible."

"Look I know it sounds crazy but--" 

Steve interrupted Scott "Tony, after everything you've seen, is anything really impossible?" 

Peter nodded "The Quantum fluctuations would mess with the Planck scale-" 

"Which would trigger the Deutsch Proposition, right?" Gwen finished. 

Not fazed in the least by their finishing of each other sentences, Tony nodded "Yes, it would" He poured out a weird drink and handed it to Steve "There are way too many variables to consider, adding in cosmic vibrational wave-lengths, and the--" 

"English Tony" Natasha sighs. 

"In Laymen's terms, you wouldn't come home, even if you managed to get there at all" Gwen explained.

"I did." 

"No, no you accidentally survived. A billion to one cosmic fluke. And now you want to pull off a...what was it?" 

"They called it a time heist" Peter answered, he and Gwen agreed that the name was cool.

"Yeah, a time heist. Of course, why didn't I think of it before!" 

"Is he mocking us?" Scott muttered. 

"Because it's laughable? A pipedream?" 

"Yeah, he's mocking us" Scott sighed. 

"Tony the stones are in the past, We can go back and get them." Steve tried to convince Tony.

Natasha spoke up "We can snap our own fingers, bring everyone home"  

"Or we'll screw it up worse than it already is" 

"Tony I don't think we would."

"Gotta say, sometimes I missed your giddy optimism. But high hopes won't help if there is no logical way for me to safely execute said time heist, I believe the likely outcome is our collective demise, Peter, Gwen? I have to take Ms. Mongoona here inside, finish this conversation up for me?" 

"Sure Tony" "Got it"  Peter and Gwen answered quickly, Tony had gotten better at controlling his anger, but if he needed to get away, then it was for the best.

Before he could leave Steve points something out, "Are they holding Whiskey...Tony I thought they were too young for that." 

"They're twenty-one-year-old adults, they're fine" 

"I've missed a lot" 

"And that's your fault"

Gwen could tell the situation was getting tense, so she used a talent of hers to diffuse the situation: quips.

"Alright alright, you two act like an old married couple. Not cheating on Pepper are we Stark?"

Tony chuckles a bit, and thanking her silently, uses the opportunity to leave. 

"So you're both 21, drinking, and didn't invite me?" Natasha scoffs.

Peter and Gwen laugh. "Yeah well it was a spontaneous decision, I tried some of this already, and doesn't matter what social norm, or experiment Tony is trying, but this is disgusting...want it?" 

Nat shrugs and takes the glass, quickly downing it.

"So your 21? In college?" Steve asks.

Gwen chuckles, "No actually, we were able to graduate early, working at S.T.A.R.K now, level six employees" 

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