Micro Chip Chapter 2 ~

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Micro Chip Chapter 2 ~ I speak and so does hate.


They continued after me, tires squealing as they quickly turned, just missing the curb. I thought about how much I hated them right now. My mom, for leaving me here. Me, for not knowing what to do. The wacks chasing me, for who-knows-what. Even my dad, for not telling me what was in my past. It really would have come in handy right now. I pushed that to the side. And then? I had an idea. Yeah, yeah. I shouldn't be thinking. I know that. Maybe I should give them what I want. Me. Surrender. So they will think. Snoop wherever they take me, find out as much as I can. Learn what I need THEN figure out what to do.  I know, doesn't sound smart, right? Going into captivity where I will probably be kept, maybe hurt or killed. Without an escape plan. But how long could I keep running? Or hiding? I can't out run a car. I don't know how I'm doing it now, but i did have a head start. I needed to find out what's going on. I had to take the risk. If I didn't, and, by miracle, I out ran them for a while, and went in hiding, I couldn't go back to my mom! They might go after her anyway! I stopped running and stood on the road, waiting. WQhen they saw this, they got close to me and screeched to a hault. My black hair flowed in the wind, and shimmering with the sunset. My eyes peirced right through the man stepping out of the car. They were out now, only 2 still in the car, in the back seat waiting for me, I guessed. They all walked toward me and started coming closer till I put my han up. "Wait", I said. "What do you want?", I asked, trying to stay strong and mask my fear. "You'll see.", said one of them in a strong voice. "I'll come with you... you don't need to capture me", I said, as they started coming toward me "Oh! Really? Nice surprise!", he said in a smug tone. "Hear that fellas?", he cried. "This lil' lady will come without a fuss!", he said, almost genuinely happy now. The rest of them started laughing a little, as I wondered what was so funny. "So, are we going to wherever now?", I asked impatiently. Gosh. I was surrendering to be taken captive and they were stalling! "Yeah, sure.", said the lead. I started walking towards the car. It wasn't too bad. Black Ferrari. Maybe this ride wont be too bad!, I thought, brightening up slightly. I got in the back seat, and they started driving off. I wondered if I had made the right choice.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2011 ⏰

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