Chapter 4

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Later that night, you found yourself unable to sleep. You tossed and turned, kicking the covers off and pulling it back on, all while Lucas slept like a rock. You rested your head on his bare chest and looked up at his sleeping face.

"What a big baby. He can sleep through anything." When Lucas didn't wake up, you decided to get up and grab a glass of water. You got out of bed, quietly opened the door so Lucas and Winwin wouldn't wake up and tiptoed down the hall to the kitchen. To your surprise, you saw Xiaojun sitting at the island hunched over.

"Couldn't sleep?" You said, shuffling your feet passed him to the fridge. A bit startled, Xiaojun flinched at your sudden appearance.

"Jeez, you scared me. No, my girlfriend and I just got off the phone and then I got hungry, so here I am," he said, raising his bowl of cereal. You chuckled as you filled your glass and leaned against the kitchen island.

"Is it... hard?" You asked, sipping your water. Xiaojun looked at you from above the brim of his glasses and furrowed eyebrows.

"Is what hard?"

"Dating." Xiaojun laughed.

"Isn't it too late to be asking me that. I mean, you're really questioning your relationship two years in?"

"You dummy. I mean, dating publicly with your fans and everybody knowing." Xiaojun hit himself on the forehead, still laughing.

"Oh. Um," he said, looking at the ceiling. You awaited his response as his eyes searched space. "I feel like it's easier for me because I have the company to back me if anything happens. I know it's not like that for everybody but I know I feel a bit more at ease having that reassurance and security. But for Luna... huh... I don't know. She says she's fine and isn't bothered by it. But I know she reads the comments and hears whispers. She gets this face where he nose scrunches when she worries and I notice it a lot when we go out to eat and shopping. We openly talk about it though and I think that's the most important thing." You looked down at your feet and nodded your head.

"Did you and Lucas make an announcement?"

"No. I told my boss though because I'd rather them know than me sneak around the company to see Lucas. But they insisted we go public with our relationship, considering we've been together for two years. I just, I don't know how I'd handle all of the attention. And then there's the fans, you know?" You pursed your lips as you looked at Xiaojun. Xiaojun nodded his head.

"In the end, you have to make the decision that is best for you and Lucas." You sighed and softly smiled at him. You finished your last sip and started making your way back to Lucas's room.

"Thanks for talking to me," you said.

"That's what friends are for."

The next morning, Lucas and Winwin shuffled around the room to get ready for practice. You groggily sat up and rubbed your eyes. You watched Lucas as he slipped into his hoodie, pull a cap on and spray his cologne. He leaned over to kiss your forehead.

"Have a great day babe," he said, grabbing his bag.

"Wait, Lucas," you said, grabbing his wrist. He looked at Winwin who was waiting for him at the door and nodded his head. Winwin left the room and closed the door quietly. Lucas sat next to you and caressed your cheek and you blinked your eyes rapidly to wake yourself up.

"Yes, princess. What is it?"

"I think we should go public," you said. Lucas's lips slightly curled up before he kissed your forehead again. He kissed your right cheek, left cheek, chin, nose and lips, earning a giggle from you.

"Are you sure, y/n? We don't have to make that decision now."

"Yeah. I'll talk to Mr. Park and Mr. Choi about it today."

"Call me and I'll be there with you, okay?" You nodded your head before Lucas pecked your lips again before leaving for practice.

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