Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I wasn't able to sleep that night and I knew it would take me forever to find my mom. The sun started rising when I heard a knock on the door. "Harper, it's Deborah. Lets go look for your mom." she said opening the door. I turned to look at her. She had changed into some black skinny jeans and a yellow, tube top. I looked down to see the same clothes I had used last night. "Hun, go and shower. You'll feel better afterwards." she suggested. I nodded and headed to my room. I grabbed some light ripped skinnies and a blue tank top. Today was going to be a long, hot day like it always was.

I jumped into the shower and did my normal routine. I got out, slipped into my black boy-shorts and into my jeans, hooked my white bra, and pulled the shirt over my head. I brushed my fingers through my hair, trying to get rid of any knots but left it down. I grabbed my Nike's, put on some white socks and jumped into my sneakers.

I was done and ready in less than seven minutes top. "Lets go." I said walking to the front door. I followed after Deborah. We rode in silence, around town.


We had gone on foot, thinking it'd be best if we went separate ways. I was right in front of the sheriff's office, debating on whether I should go in or not. I took a couple of steps towards the door, then backed away. I turned my back tot he door when I heard it open/

"Can I help you ma'am?" I heard a man's voice behind me.

I turned around to see that it was a young man in an officer's uniform. "Um, yes. I'm here to report a missing person."  I said in my most educated voice.

"Well why didn't you say something before? Come into my office and we will talk about it." he said opened the door and mentioning me to go inside. Once inside the cool room, I realized that I was burning. I hadn't put any sunscreen on and I knew I was already darkening. "Okay, so we will have to go through normal procedure." he said.

"Sir, my mom is missing, She has a mental condition and she disappeared while I went to work last night. I really need to find her. If I don't give her her medication, she will loose her mind." I said, tears streaming down my face.

"Hey Dan, what is the.." The door opened behind me and I turned to see who it was. To my shock, it was Mr. Walsh. He looked at me, then to Officer Dan. "Harper, what are you doing here?" he asked a little confused. "Sorry for interrupting. I'll just talk about it later." he said nodding his apology.

I could feel my cheecks redden. "Ma'am, would you like to let Officer Castiel help you instead?" asked Dan nicely.

I shook my head. "Yes please." I whispered. He nodded and got up.

"Excuse me." He said, leaving the room. I sat there watching the hand on the clock move in a full circle before the door reopened.

"Harper, whats wrong?" Asked Mr. Walsh as he knelt in front of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on to him tight. He held me close to him and didn't usher me to say anything.

"My mom is missing. I got home last night after you dropped me off at Deborah's and then I went to work. When I got back, my mom wasn't there and I couldn't find her either. I know it hasn't been 24 hours but she has a mental problem and.."

"Wait, the lady I talked to yesterday wasn't your mom?" he asked.

"Oh crap." I hissed. "Um no, she worked with my mom before, well you know. I'm so sorry I lied to you. I just didn't want you to see where I live." I apologized feeling my face redden.

"Harper, I knew that wasn't your mom. I just thought that maybe she was your step mom or something. She doesn't compare to your beauty." he said holding my face in his hands. I looked into his blue eyes and found myself leaning in. I closed my eyes and touched his lips lightly. He pulled closer and kissed me a little more harder.

I pulled away and looked at him. I knew this was wrong but I just couldn't stop myself. I leaned in to kiss him again and this time he moved us. He lifted me up and sat down on the chair. He placed me on his lap, with my legs apart.

So basically I had my knees on both sides of his legs. He pulled away and started kissing me down the neck. I smiled at the tingly feeling then remembered we were at the Sheriff Office. "Wait, Mr. Walsh, what if they come through the door?" I asked. He pulled away, his lips red from all the kissing.

"You're right." he said. He didn't do anything to get me off hima nd I didn't move either. He pulled me into another kiss and then helped me up. He kept his hands on my waist as he stood up. "Ms. Harper, I will help you find your mother, if you promise me one thing." he said.

I arched an eyebrow and looked at him questionignly. "What is that thing that I have to promise?" I asked.

He smiled at me wikedly and I almost regretted having asked him. "You kiss me like that more often." he said.

"Ha!" I retorted. "You have got to be kidding me? You're my history teacher. I can't be kissing you around like that. Even if you werent a teacher, I would be kissing you like that because you are not my boyfriend."

"Then, Harper, will you be my girlfriend?"

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