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I woke up to the sweet sweet sound of my ringtone that shit annoying I had pick up
"What up"

Willam " you sound like shit"

"Anything else"

William "so you got the sponsorship"

"Yeah and I working here now"

Willam "pretty understandable they paid 20 million for this collaborations So are you announcing it on your YouTube."

"Pretty much"

William "Anyway Drake is calling me"

"Drake well put me on"

Willam "okay"

Line connected

"What good dergrassi boy"

Drake "so the school shooter talks"

"Ricky was my favorite role I played to bad they had to kill him off"

Drake "so khaled want to record Popstar but I'm stuck in Canada"

"You were always worry about ur safety"

Drake "It not easy when you make an deal with the devil"

"You are my favorite customer"

Drake "You told that to X and juicewrld"

"They weren't as worry about their lives as much as you"

Drake "so I'm thinking you could come to Mami at your mansion and record it their"

"Hold up u told khaled about my Scarface mansion"

Drake "yess"

"I can do I just need to talk to afton about meeting up in Mami"

Drake "all right cool"

Line disconnect


"Meet me up in Mami"

Major time skip

Japan 2pm
Yagoo POV


A Chan "what is it"

"Where is y/n"

A Chan "Mami"

Yagoo "how do you know he in Mami"

A Chan " his instagram"

As she shows y/n and Willam and khaled partying at a strip club

"How long ago was that"

18mins ago

8 pm

"Khaled I was wrong about you ain't lame"

Khaled "that true you got voice man that song we just released

"You know it"

Willam "random stuttering"

"Alright khaled afton getting too drunk then next thing you know he wasted his saving on some stripper"

Khaled "all right I call u up when I need new song"

As I leave the club with an drunken assistant we go to alley way


Come on afton we got thing in hell to do

Current location:Hell
Time 8:13 pm
Mano Aloe
"Aw man I'm late"

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