High School Cliques.

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Authors Note: We're going to pretend that young Leo exists in modern time frames, tyvm. So that includes the Titanic movie. (Whoops I just spoiled which movie they're casted in.) Also, there will be no smut/lemon content in this book, as I envision Leo as more of a romantic than a dirty lover, if you know what I mean. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this book.

Dear Diary:

Today is the first day of my junior year. Which is fine, I guess. But it just means another year of being left out of all the mind numbing clicks. You have the mean girls, the playboy jocks, the nerds, the preps. I don't fit in anywhere. I'm just lil old me, (Y/N) Quinn. Anyways, I'm just hoping I can manage to make it through the day without being harassed by the snotty rich girls.
-Written 9/2/2021

I close my diary shut, and press it into my locker, making sure not to crush it with all of my textbooks.

"(Y/N)!" I heard a friendly familiar voice call to me.
I turned to see my best, and also only, friend Rita Clayton running towards me, her curly blonde hair bouncing on her back.
She approached me with a huge smile on your face. "First day of senior year!" She chanted, spinning around.
I smiled. "Apparently."
"So, what's the goal this year? Get a boy? Girl? Party all year long?"
I shrugged. "Survive."
She sucked in her cheeks and I laughed. "Oh come on, (Y/N) it's our last year of high school! Let's live it up! We've been working hard on our grades the past 3 years. We don't have to worry about that this year."
I merely shrugged again, reaching into my locker.
"I'll think about it. I just really want to avoid Kate and her posse of rich girls."
"You seriously still have those stereotypes from middle school? Most of the girls have changed, (Y/N) and maybe you should too."
I looked at her, with a mock pouty lip. "What, you don't like me just the way I am?"
She smacked my arm, playfully. "I'm just saying, maybe it would be good for you to loosen up, try new things."
I smiled, closing my locker.
And then I saw them.
Walking towards me is Kate Winslet, her boyfriend Leonardo DiCaprio, and some of her other friends. Kate was not only the most popular, mean girl in school, but she also was Class President, Junior Year Prom Queen, Captain Of The Drama Club, and has gotten about 20 solos in choir. Every teacher adores her, and mostly every student too, but I see right through her. It isn't hard though, when she's made my life a living hell.
I made sure to hold my head high with confidence, as she approached me.
Kate reached out her hand, and smacked all of the books I was holding out of my hand and onto the floor. Her drones all laughed as they kept walking.
I bent down to pick up my books, looking at the group.
Leonardo, a tall, slim boy with golden locks turned around to look back at me, almost with sympathy. I froze and made eye contact with him, and then resumed picking up my books.
"You see what I mean, Rita? I don't go to parties, so I can avoid girls like her.
Rita smiled lovingly. "Well just know, if you ever go to a party with me, and somebody treats you badly, I'd kick their ass.
I laughed. "You're the greatest."
The bell rang, and I rushed off to my first class of senior year.
My first class of senior year was study hall. It was quite boring actually, since we had no work. I pulled out my favorite book, technically a script, Romeo and Juliet, and I read.
Shortly after, I began feeling something light being tossed at my head. I turned around. Sure enough, behind me, the jocks were tossing small pieces of paper at my head.
Leo was one of them.
Leo, and his friend Christian were sitting, slouching, wearing their leather man jackets. Christian was the one throwing the papers, and Leo was smiling.
"Do you think that's funny?" I asked Christian.
"Oh, lighten up, (Y/N). We're just having fun."
I glared at him, and then returned to my book.
Leo leaned over my shoulder. "What are you reading?" He asked.
"Romeo and Juliet." I said. "Why, do you like it?"
"Ye-" he looked at Christian, and then back at me. "Nah, I was in the movie last year though."
"Cool." I said flatly.
"So your name is (Y/N) right? I'm Leonardo."
"I know." I replied, and then widened me eyes. Did that sound creepy? I don't think he noticed, because he smiled, offering his hand to me. I shook it cautiously, and then returned to my book.
Christian thought it would be funny to keep throwing paper at me.
"Dude, chill with that." Leo told him.
Christian looked at him. "What, why do you care?"
Good question. Why does Leonardo DiCaprio care about me?
"I don't." Ouch. "I'm just sure that's annoying for her."
I looked him in the eyes, and he smiled.
After class, I thought it be best to thank Leo for standing up for me. I exited the classroom and walked up to Leo, looking down at my feet.
"Hey, Leo, I just-" I looked up, and there he was, making out with Kate.
"Sorry, I didn't know you two were-"
"Busy?" Kate snapped, pulling away from Leo, who looked uncomfortable. "Yeah, so why don't you skedaddle?"
Leo sighed. "Kate, don't be rude."
"Whatever." She said rolling her eyes. "Leo, let's go get a drink, we've got a big audition tonight. Oh, (Y/N) have you ever heard of a movie?"
I rolled my eyes. "I'm not dumb. But then again, I don't have my hair dyed, my hair color is naturally red, so maybe it's just the dye seeping into your brain."
She looked taken aback, and then snapped back to her Royal bitchiness. "Leonardo and I are auditioning for one. And we're auditioning for the main characters, who have a love for each other, isn't that romantic?"
"Sure." I said. "Anyways, Leo, thanks for standing up for me, or whatever." I said dryly, before walking away.

We don't associate.

A/N: Hi guys! (If anyone is even reading this) I'm really excited to be publishing the first chapter of Understudy! I put a lot of thinking into the concept of this book, and I can't wait to publish more of it with all of the ideas I have! Please understand that I won't be able to update it constantly, as I have school, as well as Mental Health issues. But I thought I'd introduce myself (meet the author):

Name: Rylee
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual :) so yes my love for young Leo is real hehe
Favorite Movie: What's Eating Gilbert Grape
Favorite TV Show: Cobra Kai/Stranger Things
Favorite Musical: Heathers (I'm unhealthily obsessed)
Favorite Food: French Fries
Favorite Animal: Elephants
Favorite Artist: Billie Eilish
Favorite Song: Currently No Time To Die by Billie or Drivers Licence by Olivia Rodrigo.

Aaannd that's all I can think of, take care until next time, my loves! :)

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