Chapter 31: The British can't defeat us... I hope

Start from the beginning

I laughed softly, "Thank you, but do you really mean that?"

El Dorado chuckled as he got even closer. God, his smell of roses... I almost closed my eyes to feel it with more intensity. My heart was beating extremely fast and I couldn't understand why.

"I do, Eva. From the bottom of my heart," Miguel raised his brows and slid his hand down my back. "We should go on a real date. I want to know more about you."

I gawked. What the hell was going on? Blinking fast, I started thinking about his offer. I felt stupid for it, but I wanted to go on a date with Gálvez. We hadn't had a real conversation since our encounter in San Francisco de Campeche anyway, so why not? However, a part of me wasn't sure whether that was a good idea. What if my uncle was wrong and the Spaniard didn't really fall in love with me? I didn't want to end up broken-hearted... or perhaps I was just afraid to feel something.

"Hello, Eva... and Miguel," Dirk said from behind me. "I need to talk to Eva in private. It's urgent."

Gawking, I almost fell off my chair. Where had Bosch come from? He was the second person to startle me already! 

"Alright," I stood up from my chair. "We'll talk later, Miguel."

"No problem," Gálvez forced a smile. "I'll wait as long as I have to."

Dirk and I soon left the tavern. I looked back, feeling a little guilty for leaving the Spaniard there. The redhead chewed on his lip, which worried me even more. He never showed up suddenly like that. I got closer to him as we walked.

I raised a brow, "What did you want to tell me?"

"Absolutely nothing," Dirk glanced away for an instant. "I just had to save you from him."

I laughed so much that I thought I'd have shortness of breath. Bosch was unbelievable, wasn't he? The one time I was alone with Miguel he'd magically showed up... God, I couldn't believe it. Either Dirk was a fortune teller, or he'd been spying on me.

"Really?" I smirked and raised my brows. "What terrible thing could he do? Compliment me too much?"

"Gálvez just wants to use you as he did before," Dirk pursed his lips. "You shouldn't be anywhere near him."

I scowled since I wasn't sure if Miguel's only wish was to use me. Besides, Bosch had become angrier since that day in San Francisco de Campeche. He did everything to keep me away from the Spaniard. Was Dirk indeed jealous, or he simply didn't like El Dorado? Sometimes the answer seemed to be clear, sometimes I had no idea what was going on...

"You've been acting strange since Miguel became our ally," I crossed my arms and frowned. "Also, were you following me?"

Dirk gazed downward and pressed his lips together. That seemed like an admission of guilt to me. Even though I'd never dated anyone, his attitude screamed jealously. Since I couldn't read Bosch's thoughts, the only way to find out the truth was by asking him directly.

I grinned mischievously, "Are you jealous, Dirk?"

Bosch's eyes bulged and he blushed like never before. The redhead tried to talk, but nothing came out. I gawked. The angry guy I threw out a ship had feelings for me? How did that happen? Speechless, I chuckled. My heartbeat got even faster since I was shocked... or excited? I had no idea.

"Jealous? Of course not! It's just... it's..." he let out a pronounced sigh. "I just don't like the way he looks at you."

I scowled, "What do you mean?"

"Miguel wants you! Can't you see it?" Dirk glared at the wall as if he imagined Gálvez standing there. "We both know he didn't slide his hand down your back to be friendly."

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