A New Home?

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                 I swam for what felt like ages until I reached a beach so I decided to take Joel up there. As soon as my feet hit the sand, I realized what happened and I broke down and cried in Joel's chest. "Joel," I sobbed, "I'm sorry." I felt another presence walking up on me but I didn't react. "Ma'am," A human asked, "What happened?" I looked up at the human and felt rage again but Joel's voice popped into my head then my anger subsided. "My friend!" I sobbed, "Joel was killed." The woman next to me put a hand on my shoulder and asked what happened. I told her everything that happened and she wanted to report this to the police but I said no. "Please," I asked desperately, "If you call the police, they will take me back to that awful place! I hate it there, Please don't call them." "Alright," She said, "But at least let me take you to my house before some pervert comes around and rapes you." I looked down and realized I wasn't wearing clothes and I nodded my head then buried Joel in the sand and followed her to a car and she drove me to the suburbs. She then pulled into a driveway and we both got out. When we got to the doorstep, she handed me a towel to cover myself up with. "There are two boys in there," She advised, "I don't want them to see you like that." I nodded my head and waited for her to open the door then walked inside. "Hey, Honey," A silver male said then just froze when he saw me, "What the h*ll?" "I found her on the beach and she looked like she needed help," The lady said then turned to me, "There is a spare bedroom down the hall on the left. There are clothes in the dresser." "Thank you," I said. I then walked to the bedroom and closed the door then got dressed. I had to cut a slit for my dorsal fin because the back of the shirt bent it uncomfortably. The skirt was easier to put on because it allowed my tail to hang out from the bottom. I heard a knock on the bedroom door and the woman that brought me here opened it. "Dinner is ready if you are hungry," She said. I said that I wasn't hungry but my stomach betrayed me by growling loudly. "Please come and eat something," The woman pleaded. "I'm coming," I said giving in to my hunger pangs. I then followed the nice woman to the dining room and two male humans were already sitting there waiting on us. There was the silver male with thick long fur on his face and the other male next to the first looked a lot younger. I sniffed the air and smelled something amazing. It smelled like a blend of many different types of meat and had a smell that I didn't recognize but it still smelled amazing. "Please sit," The woman said pulling a chair out for me, "I will fix you all plates and then we can introduce ourselves." I sat down and I noticed the silver-haired male staring at me which made me a little uncomfortable. The male then pulled out a notebook and started to write something down. "Rick!" The woman scolded the silver male, "What have I said about working at the table?" The male put the book away and apologized. "Don't worry about Rick," The woman said while putting my plate down in front of me, "He works as a marine biologist that specializes in sharks." The woman then put plates of food in front of the other two males and then sat down with her plate. I took an exploratory bite out of the food and backed off a little to savor the flavor before going back in to devour it. When I was done, I had the food all along my mouth and in between my various rows of teeth. "Displays eating habits of an actual shark," Rick murmured while jotting it down in his notebook. "Do you want some more?" The woman asked politely. "Yes please," I replied. "Wow, Mom," the younger male said jokingly, "Someone actually likes your cooking." "Don't say that about your Mother, Owen," Rick said with a slight smile, "Even if it's true!" They both started to laugh and I smiled. "Well," The woman said, "If you don't like my food poison, you can cook your own meals." "Your cooking is fine, Dear," Rick said then he turned to me, "What did you say your name was?" "I-I don't have a name," I replied looking down, "I only have the name that the people that kept me locked up in the glass box. They called me Specimen # 33678." The woman put another plate with food in front of me and sat back down to finish eating. "How about Ellie?" Rick asked after swallowing a few bites of food. "Ellie," I repeated, "I like that." After I devoured my second plate of food, I asked what the woman's name was. "Oh," She said, "My name is Susan." "Thank you for bringing me here," I said getting up from the table, "But I think I have to leave. I don't want to overstay my welcome." "No, no," Susan said, "You can stay as long as you like." "You can stay," Rick said, "But I do want to take a few measurements and ask you a few questions If you feel comfortable." "Rick!" Susan scolded. "No," I interrupted, "It's fine if he wants to study me. I'm used to it from the glass box I was in. When can you do it?" "We can do it after dinner, if that's fine with you," He offered. "Okay," I replied then I turned to Susan, "Can I have another plate, please?" "You better be careful, Dad," Owen said with a grin, "I think she's trying to out-eat you." "Well, Owen," Rick replied, "Bull sharks have to eat three percent of their own bodyweight so let the girl eat." Susan made me another plate which I ate slower than the other two, then I got up and put all three of the empty plates into the sink. I then walked into the TV room and sat down on a long chair. I heard a growl behind me and I instantly went into "threat display" when I turned to face the thing that growled. The thing behind me looked like a dog but bigger than the ones that the humans had around them outside the glass box. It barked and went into a "play stance" but I thought that meant it was going to bite me so I snapped my jaws at it and the dog looked scared but it growled at me again. "Sumo!" Rick said as he walked into the room, "Down!" The large dog came to Rick and sat down next to him as nothing happened. "Don't mind Sumo," he said scratching the dog's ears, "Ol Sumo here won't hurt a fly. He just wanted to figure you out." "What type of dog is he?" I asked. "St. bernard," He replied, "He's only a puppy." I reached my hand out to pet the dog and I was expecting it to bite me, but it just licked my hand. "I'm going to get my notes and measuring tape," Rick said as he walked away, "When I get back, we can start the interview." I sat down next to Sumo with my tail curled around my legs so no one steps on it and I waited for Rick to return.

                When he returned, Rick told me to follow him to his office. I followed him and shut the door behind me. "Are you okay with taking your clothes off?" He asked hesitantly, "I just need to make a few measurements and you can still wear your underwear." I nodded and took my shirt and skirt off and left my underclothes on. He took measurements on all of my fins, my tail, and he wanted to see my teeth. I opened my mouth and unretracted my shark teeth to show him. "Retractible bull shark teeth," He murmured writing everything down, "You may close." I closed my mouth then he asked for my consent to look at my privates just to examine them. I reluctantly nodded my head and he told me to lay down on the desk. He put rubber gloves on and pulled my panties down then did an inspection that the humans from the glass box did every so often. I moaned involuntarily when he spread the lips apart. "Please do not moan," He said jokingly, "It will make this weird." He examined my nether regions for about how long the other humans did then he backed up and took his gloves off. "You may get dressed," He said writing in the notebook again. After I got dressed and sat back down, he asked me a bunch of questions. "You can breathe air, freshwater, and saltwater, Correct?" He asked. "Yes," I replied. He then grabbed a box on a small stick with a wire connecting to a screen. "This is bite force tester," He said, "I want you to bite down full force on the box at the end." I unretracted my teeth and chomped down on the box which made a loud slamming sound. "478 pounds!" He exclaimed, "You may release." I let go and I felt a tooth fall out. I looked at the box and my tooth was embedded into the box. Rick pulled the tooth out and studied it closer and asked if I regrow my teeth. I nodded my head and he told me that we were done. I sensed someone watching us the entire time and when I walked out, I smelled Owen. That's odd, I thought. I thought nothing of it and I went to my room to sleep.

Life as a Bull Shark HybridOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz