dave-and you live with some of the most problematic people on the internet. are you've never been in drama? how?

jade-i keep myself away from that. i'm just mot interested in drama and try to stay out of it at all costs. doesn't always work out but i try

dave-aren't you with jaden though

jade-i am

dave-but he was with mads for a while so how did you not let that turn into a mess

jade-oh that was a messy situation but it was kept off of the internet for the most part and me and mads actually talked everything out and we're friends now actually

josh-yeah one day jade just walked downstairs and told us she was friends with mads and it was quite surprising just cause there was a lot of issues with them in the past. but hey good for them though

dave-two teenage girls fighting over a boy was probably a very interesting time. and also is jaden not going crazy with the thought that one of the boys are gonna try to be slick and get with you

jade-i friendzone all the boys and they know it. and most of them have girlfriends and jaden knows i would never even think to cheat on him. me and him have had many talks about it.

dave-so you're telling me the only one of those boys you've slept with is jaden


josh started laughing

dave-what do you mean no

jade-i uh was like with quinton for a little bit

dave-ohhh and jaden like hates him huh?

jade-no they're like best buds. i told them not to let me come between anything and they listened

dave-ohhh gotcha. well i do have one question. you're like 17 and moved in the sway house at 15. are you still in school and do you still go home to visit family

jade looked at josh
josh looked at dave and kinda nodded his head so dave wouldn't ask about jade's home life just cause she's not really open with the internet about her mom and all that stuff

jade-um well right before i moved to LA i was in online school cause of covid but before that,i was going to real school. i wasn't bullied but i definitely had my fair share of teenage drama. i had friends but i never had a best friend or had multiple friends either. i wasn't ever one of the popular mean girls. i always tried to be nice and i don't think a lot of people liked that. and there were a lot of girls who hated me. and it took a toll on me. and there was a lot of other personal issues going on too. so being able to move to LA was awesome. the boys are always very supportive of everything i do. and i had a hard time finding that at home. i mean i had my grandma who was my best friend. and she was my only support system. but i never had like friendships the way i do with the boys

dave-cmon,you're like the beauty standard you're telling me you weren't one of the mean girls

josh-i'll take this one,jade is the definition of kind. she has never let her looks take control of her attitude or ego the way a lot of other girls do. she's always been like that. i've never seen her give anyone an attitude. i don't know how she does it but she does

dave-well what do your friendships look like that go beyond the boys

jade-well nessa barrett is my best friend for sure.

dave-yeah we actually had her on the podcast. i don't think she likes me

jade laughed-nessa is one if those people that it's very hard to get close to. but i'm really happy i was able to

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