Sand in the wind

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I stared up to the sky and closed my eyes to enjoy the sun beaming down on me. It was a hot day and I was surprised to see Clay and Nick were still in their hoodies when I was in shorts and a tank top.

The sand whipped at my legs and arms as I belly flopped onto the sand... not smart in hindsight.

"Was that worth it?" Nick asked from nearby.

"Not at all... geez why did I do that?" I coughed, trying to keep sand from flowing into my mouth.

I pressed up from the hot grains and saw Nick offering me a hand, I took it and immediately started brushing off the sand from my clothes and hair.

"A—nyways, Imma get ice cream, you guys want anything?" Clay said, reaching for his wallet from his pocket.

"Oh my god, I could devour a mint chocolate chip sundae right now." Nick stretched his arms in the air.

"Okay. (y/n)?" Clay asked, turning in my direction.

"Hm?" I was looking at the sea and completely didn't realise he was talking to me. "Oh, um, no thanks. I think I'm just gonna walk around for a bit. You guys go. I'll meet you back here?"

As much as I was enjoying being with Sapnap and Dream, going on a lonesome walk around the beach had become like a ritual for me- if I didn't do it once a day I found myself going a bit insane.

"You mind if I come with you? I spend way too much time with this blob." Nick blinked at me.

I hesitated for a moment but then came to the conclusion that it'd be nice to walk just with him for a bit.

"Yeah, sure, I guess. That okay with you, Clay?"

Dream simply nodded, "I'll meet you back here."


Dreams Come True | Sapnap x Reader | Dream x GeorgenotfoundTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon