The interviewer

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Plot: Becky is at an interview and the interviewer has asker he some questions, and now they are at the end of the interview at the last question.

Interviewer: how do you think you are going to die?

Becky surprised, and kind of creeped out: ummm mmmmmmm....

Interviewer takes out a huge knife, and laughs Evily: mwahahahhaahahahhahahahha

Becky is super scared, freaked out and started rambling, in Spanish 

The interviewer locks the door, and takes out a cutting board, a boiling bowl, and starts boiling water.

Becky is screaming for help and the interviewer takes out a cloth and ties her eyes and mouth with it: mmmhelpmmm sommmone. 

She is trying to get out of there.

Interviewer takes out some vegetables and starts boiling them.

The interview(Thriller funny story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon