"Long story short, Arthur and his men attacked Ash and his gang in a bar. Skip and a Japanese photographer got kidnapped by Arthur. Ash followed them and he's most likely in big shit"

"Lets go save him" You said getting up immediately as you grabbed your switch blades and gun.

"You can't, Ash handed me your responsibility and it's my job to keep you safe"

"But Ash he-"

"Ash is much tougher than he looks y/n, he's been in worse situations"

You knew he was right and he was the most feared gang leader for a reason, but you were still worried and you wanted to help him out.

"I'm going to go help him, you stay here and don't go out. If Arthur sees you, you both will be in bigger shit and you need to avoid that" Said Shorter as he got up and grabbed the keys of his motorcycle.

"Fair enough, let me know if something happens" You said.

"I will, stay put and avoid going out at any cost" He said as he hurriedly left Ash's hideout.

You really wanted to go aswell but you didn't have a choice. Have faith in them y/n. Since you were really stressed out, you started cleaning Ash's hideout to distract yourself and played some music on your iPod. (Author's note: I know iPod is old and yada yada but y/n doesn't have any social media accounts on her phone or any apps where you have to use your email and stuff because she didn't want to be tracked by people from her past in Europe. The only thing y/n has saved on her phone is a few important phone numbers and that's all).

After a few hours, Shorter finally messaged you and told you to check the news. You did as he said and saw that Ash was going to be sent to jail without trial and that he allegedly murdered Marvin. Anger ran trough you as you called Shorter back.

"What the fuck happened Shorter, how did Ash get caught?" You asked.

"Stuff got out of hand, Marvin shot Skipper and he died. Ash got really angry and Marvin ran away. Ash went after him but when he got there, Marvin was already dead, but at that exact moment, police walked in making him look guilty. It was all framed" Explained Shorter as simple as possible leaving a lot of details out.

"Skip is- dead?" You remembered the little kid greeting you just a week ago and now he's dead. You clenched your fists together but that's all you could do. You were so helpless and you hated the damn feeling.

"Yes, i'm sorry"

"So, what now? Where is Ash?" You asked.

"In the hospital, he was kinda wounded"

"Got it, thanks"

"Wait what are y-" Shorter tried finishing his sentence but you hung up because you knew exactly what he was about to say.

After 5 minutes of self debating, you decided to visit Ash in the hospital. You made your way out of the blonde's hideout but got blocked by Shorter on his motorcycle.

"Shorter move away" You said giving him an 'i don't care, i don't give a shit' look.

"I figured there was no stopping you so i came here to drop you off at the hospital"

"I'm glad you're not going to put out a fight with me. Thank you, really" You said hopping on his motorcycle.

"I got you y/n" Said Shorter before driving off to the hospital.

Even though you found Shorter really annoying at first, he was starting to grow on you. He knew when to not cross his borders, andd honestly, he was a really good person behind his goofy, annoying and flirty side.

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