Family Emergency (angst/fluff)

Start from the beginning

When I got in I pressed the button for floor two and waited patiently for the elevator to arrive.

I stepped out and scanned the hallways looking for room 203. Once my eyes landed it on it I went right over to it practically barging in the room.

The sight made me smile, Alex was laying in the crib on her back giggling as her mother was talking to her.

"Spence," y/n whispered and I went over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist hugging her tightly.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here. I'm gonna take time off of work so I can spend more time with you guys."

"No Spencer you don't have too"

"Yes I do, you two are the most important people in my life and I want to be there for you. Anyways what did the doctors say?"

"She's gonna be fine she just had a high fever, they gave her some medicine, and her fevers been going down. They said we can go home in an hour."

"That's good, I love you both." I said as I pressed a kiss to y/n's forehead.

My phone started vibrating in my pocket snd my guess is that's it's Hotch, I'm sure there all confused that I just left without an explanation. So, I took my phone out of my pocket and answered it.

"Hey Hotch, What's up?"

"We finished the case we will be back at Quantico in an hour. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah everything's good I'll meet you guys at the office I want to introduce you to someone."

"Okay then, see you there." I hung up the phone, I think it's time to introduce the team to y/n and Alex. I've been with y/n for over 3 years and they've been pushing me harder lately to go out and date.

"Y/n, I think it's time that you guys meet my team."

"Really? Are you sure?" Her face lit up when I asked her. She's always wanted to meet them, I always talk about them and I know they will love her.

"Of course love, they're gonna love you guys." I murmur before pressing a chaste kiss to her lips.

Alex got released and we're just pulling up to Quantico. I know the team will love them, but I can't help my growing nerves. My hand were gripping the steering wheel so tight that my knuckles were turning white. Y/n placed a hand on my thigh and gave me a reassuring squeeze.

"Spence, we don't have to do this today."

"I want to. I'm just nervous." She gave me a small smile. God her smile always made butterflies dance in my stomach. Even after being together for so long, my love for her grows everyday.

When I pull into the parking spot Y/n and I get out of the car. I open the back door and grab Alex's car seat before walking around to the other side and use my other hand to interlock my fingers with Y/n's.

I lead us into the building and into the elevator. I press button number 6 and wait for the elevator to bring us up to the BAU floor.

When we step out I can see me team just sitting at their desks. It's now or never.

Y/n gives my hand a reassuring squeeze as we enter the bullpen. As soon as the door closes the teams heads shoot up and they all look directly at me and Y/n. I give them all a small smile despite the growing anxiety within me.

"Spencer, who's this?" Derek questions with a shocked expression on his face as everyone comes over to us.

"This is y/n, my girlfriend and our daughter Alex." The looks on all their faces were priceless. I don't think they thought I had it in me to get a beautiful girlfriend let alone have a child. Y/n waved at them and had a large smile on her face as she was taking Alex out of her car seat.

"It's so nice to finally meet you guys, Spencer's told me so much about you."

"What? Spencer why didn't you tell us?"Emily asks shocked.

"Pretty Boy, I can't believe you have a daughter and a girlfriend and didn't tell us."

"I was scared after what happened with Maeve, these two are my entire world and I couldn't risk anything. But I thought it was time you guys met them." They all went around making introductions and talking to y/n and holding Alex who smiled brightly at her aunts and uncles.

I heard the familiar clack of Penelope's heels and I know she's gonna be mad I didn't call her about Alex. She was the only one on the team who knows because she is y/n's best friend and the one who introduced us to each other.

"Y/n Y/l/n, Spencer Reid, why didn't you tell me you were bringing in my beautiful goddaughter."Penelope yelled jokingly through the bullpen.

"Wait babygirl you knew?" Derek questioned.

"Of course, I knew I'm the one who introduced Spencer to y/n" Garcia said as she grabbed Alex from y/n's arms and Alex smiled brightly at her godmother.

"Well Spence, I never saw this coming, But I'm happy that your happy and now Henry has a cousin to play with when they get older." JJ said "Can I hold her?"

"Of course," Y/n said.

"Why don't you guys come over for dinner tomorrow so you can get to know y/n and Alex more." I said and all their faces lit up, which made me happy that they were so interested to get to know my daughter. I shouldn't have kept them from each other for so long but they know now and that's what matters.

I looked over across the bullpen to see Hotch standing outside his office smiling. I'm glad that my daughter will now have some of the most important people in my life in her life.

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