Let's talk

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Jay woke up her bed. Removing her blanket, she was a little confused. She doesn't remember going to sleep, nor going back to her room after her chat with Jun then them both leaving to their living room to join the others. Her quiet thoughts were interrupted with a snore. She looked down, a small giggle leaving her lips. Lying on the floor was all her members. She quickly looked for her phone and took a picture. Her smile grew as she noticed BK and Wow cuddling. As best she could, she walked past them out of her room and down their stairs, making her way to their shared kitchen. Jay began to look around the kitchen for anything to make breakfast with. Deciding on a more American breakfast, Jay made eggs and bacon. She hummed softly as she cut on the stove and broke some eggs, before putting them on a pan and letting them scramble. Jay heard footsteps and giggled. "Something smells good" She heard, the voice was coming from a half asleep Chan. She turned to see his eyes half open and slightly puffy. "He must have slept good" She thought. "I'm making breakfast, our manager texted me and said we had practice later"  She told him. He nodded and sat down in the nearest chair. Jay turned back and focused on the eggs, when they seemed good enough to cook on their own for a while, she moved over to the other side of the stove and cut the bacon. She looked for another pan then placed it on the stove, then quickly threw the bacon in the pan and began to let it cook. "Need help?" Chan asked, scratching slowly at his head. "No thanks, Oppa" She said, shooting him a quick smile. Once the eggs were done, she took them out of the pan and placed them on a plate. Now all that's left is the bacon. She flipped the bacon over then let them sizzle on their own. Jay sat across from Chan, looking down towards her lap.

Silence quickly filled the room. She swallowed before Chan spoke up. "Can we talk?" She looked up upon hearing his voice, seeing that he was already looking at her. She nodded. "Is everything okay? What happened last night?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Chan didn't want to be so upfront but he didn't know how else to ask her and he wasn't sure what her reaction would be. Jay bit her lip. She didn't know what to tell him because frankly she doesn't have all the details either. "He broke up with me and I have no idea why. He gave me no explanations and just kicked me out" She said honestly, shaking her head at her words. Her explanation sounded so dumb but that's what happened. She doesn't know more than that.

"He kicked you out?" He repeated. Jay nodded at his words. "I went to surprise him but it seems that he didn't want me there and even ended things between us. I'm not sure if it's my fault or even if I could've changed things. He left me no time to ask why and just closed the door on me." Chan sighed, biting his lip in frustration. This past week has been an emotional train wreck for him. He only wished to go back to when they first debuted when the only emotion they dealt with was nervousness and nostalgia. Chan got up, moving towards the girl and squatting down. He took her face in his hands and made her look towards him. "Oppa is sorry." He started, he felt his emotions start to get the best of him as he felt the urge to start crying, but alas he held those feelings back and continued. "I never wanted this to happen. I hated seeing you with him, yes, but you were happy and that's all I ever wanted. I'm sorry for telling you how I feel and yes I know it's selfish to bring up such things at a time like this but it's all I could think about as soon as you came in crying" Chan said, looking down for a second and taking a breath. "I'm going to help you get through this. I know it hurts, you loved him and he left you, but oppa is here. I will be your shoulder" Chan lifted his hand a tear escaped her eye. "We will show him that he just made the biggest mistake in his life" And finishing with that, Chan leaned in, pushing his lips against hers. Finally kissing her after all the times he dreamed of doing so. Many will think it's selfish of him to confuse this poor girl at a time like this, but this is what she needed. Shelter and to be true to her feelings. No more hiding.

What do you guys think? What is Chan planning? Also why do you think Samuel broke up with JaeEun?

A.C.E 에이스 {6th Member Edition} //ON HOLDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن