Chapter 31 Part 2 - Hurt

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Steve reached over and got the water off the bed stand and passing it to me, placing a straw in it so it was easier for me. I smiled gratefully at him and took a sip, trying to calm myself. I reached over to place my cup back on the table, wincing as I did so as pain shot up through my arm at the movement. 

Steve grabbed the cup off of me and looked at me sternly as I settled back into the bed again. 

"Natasha, you need those painkillers, you are hurting yourself." He instructed and my eyes widened, I don't want to lose control. 

"I already told you, I don't need them, I am fine." I insisted but I could tell that it was useless, he could see right through me. 

"Try and sit up." He challenged and I tried but the pain that rushed through me forced me back down again.

"Do you trust me?" He asked and I nodded slowly, trying to figure out what he was getting at. 

"Good, and I need you trust that I will take care of you, even if you are a little out of it. I know you don't like being out of control but you can't keep going on like this. You're hurting yourself, and seeing you do that is hurting me." He said softly, staring deep into my eyes. 

I sighed, but gave in and nodded. He pressed the doctors button next to the bed to alert the doctor. The doctor appeared quickly and Steve shifted off the bed to next to me instead. 

"I want the painkillers." I stated, cringing as I do so. Steve saw my discomfort and grabbed onto my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. The doctor reappeared a moment later with a syringe filled with a clear coloured liquid. 

I took a breath as he sterilized the area. I wasn't scared of the needle, but the loss of control was terrifying, even if Steve was by my side. 

"It's ok, I got you." Steve whispered comfortingly and he kissed the back of my hand. I relaxed a little at his words as the doctor administered the painkillers. 

"All done Ms Romanoff. It should take effect in the next few minutes and we will discharge you as soon as I get the papers." I nodded and he left the room leaving us alone again. Almost immediately I felt it take effect. 

Talking and moving became a lot easier and I could feel myself getting a little more careless. 

"How do you feel?" Steve asked after a minute or so and I sighed sitting up properly. 

"Better." I replied and we settled into a light conversation to pass the time. Soon enough, the doctor came in with the papers for me to sign. Once everything was done, we were officially discharged from the hospital and I was free to go. I used my arms to push myself off the bed and I stood up shakily. 

I tried to walk across the room on my own but tripped on my second step and fell. Right as I was about to hit the ground, I felt two muscular arms wrap around me and pull me back up. 

"Nice catch." I breathed and he smiled at me, wrapping an arm around my waist this time as we walked to make sure I didn't fall again. 

Before I knew it, we were back at the Avengers tower. It was funny, I remember being in the hospital and now I am here, but how I got here is a little foggy. It is like I am witnessing things but not really registering what I am seeing. 

Guess the medication was strong. 

Steve's POV

"Nat, why don't we run you a bath?" I suggested as I guided her over to her bathroom, my hands firmly around her waist. I am surprised that they were willing to let her go from the hospital so quickly, she was still badly injured and could barely walk on her own. 

She had a little over 30 stitches in her legs alone, a broken rib, multiple bruises and cuts, a split lip and a nasty gash on her forehead that had been glued shut. She was honestly a mess and yet the hospital discharged her. 

If the hospital isn't willing to care for her, then I guess it is up to me. I ran a hot bath for her and she started to unzip her catsuit. I knew that she had a singlet and shorts underneath, so I helped her out of it. I then promptly left the bathroom once I was sure she was ok to give her privacy. 

I decided to make a quick dash to my room across the hall to take a quick shower and put something other than my dirty suit on. 

When I returned I sat on the couch and waited for her to be finished. 

"Stevie?" She called, yep, she is definitely out of it. 


"Can you get my pj's from my bed please?" She called and I quickly went and retrieved the clothing, passing them through the door to her. 2 minutes later she stumbled out of the bathroom and I went quickly to her side to support her. 

"I think it is time for bed." I instructed and led her to her bedroom, placing her onto the bed. I turned out the light and glanced back at her. 

"Stevie?" She called again and I turned back to her. 

"You know I like you?" She said in a rather high pitched drunken voice. I cleared my throat and looked away, this wasn't her. 

"I like, like you. A lot. But I don't tell you because I am scared. Cause Stevie doesn't like me back. Bad Natasha. Love is for children." She rambled and I looked back to her in shock of what she had said. This isn't her, this isn't her. I kept repeating to myself, yet I was blushing at her words. 

"I likes you for a while now. I thinks you are hot and sweet, and the most amazing guy in the world!" She said as she tossed herself back onto the bed for emphasis, hands flailing. Her words were also becoming more and more slurred.

"Goodnight Nat." I said finally and walked out of the room as to not embarrass her further when she was so out of it. 

She is on pain meds, they are messing with her. None of what she is saying is actually true Rogers. Right?

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