Chapter 4: Pepto Bismol

Start from the beginning

"He said I have a tiny wang? Tell him he has a tiny wang."

"I speak English asshole," The cashier said clearly annoyed.

"Oh really?" The blond shot back. He threw his money down on the counter and grabbed the slice of pizza from the cashier before stomping out of the store. I shook my head and prepared to pay for the medicine. Suddenly, a couple of boys walked in. I think they went to my school so I called over to them as they headed to the back of the store.

"See you in school tomorrow," I smiled. The boys turned to me and frowned.

"What the hell are you doing? Why you gotta blow up my spot?" They asked pushing me out of the store.

"Look dude, I-" I started trying to explain myself.

"He thought we were in college dumbass!" The boys said pushing me further.

"I didn't know you were trying to buy beer. Sorry!" I said quickly, the leader shoved me hard and I went tumbling into a bush. I rolled over grunting as the boys laughed. I started standing up as the boys came at me again.

"Ooh, what do we got here? What do you got?" The boys asked pulling at the bottle in my hand, "Peto. Oh shit. Someone has frickin' diarrhea!" They teased. I shook my head.

"Hey, we should call him 'Rhea," One of them joked. The boys smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Give it back dude. It's for my grandma!" I said as they pushed me.

"Oh, it's for your grandma? Shit, I'm sorry, man," The leader said as he looked at the bottle again, "Hey, you want it? Hey, you can take all that shit," He said. Next thing I knew he was pouring the bottle of Pepto Bismol on my head while the other boys were laughing. Thick pink liquid poured down my head and I groaned.

"Bitch," He said, tossing the bottle at me as it splattered more pink medicine on my shirt. The boys laughed again and started walking away.

"Asshole," I mumbled as I looked at my pink splattered shirt. The boys turned around.

"What'd you say 'Rhea?" The leader asked turning around. My eyes widened and I took a couple of steps back.

"I- I didn't say anything," I stammered. The boy narrowed his eyes and threw a punch at me. It hit me right in the gut and knocked the wind out of me. I fell to the ground gasping for breath. I picked myself up and tried to run away but one of them pushed me.

"Are you crying? Where you going, pussy?" My face collided with a car and I moaned in pain.

"Hey! Watch the car, man," A familiar voice said. The boy's turned around.

"Who's this dude?"

"Leave the dork alone," The man said. I picked myself up off the car and turned around to see my neighbour.

"What? You see this guy? Eating his dinner at the mini-mart like a bum," The boys joked turning towards him.

"Wait, I think I know this guy," The leader said, "He's the jerk-off that cleaned my dad's septic tank," He finished smirking.

"Ohhh! That explains why he smells like shit!" One boy laughed.

"Trust me, you are pissing off the wrong guy on the wrong day, all right?" The blond said.

"Really? Oh really? Get the hell out of here loser!" The leader said pushing the man. The man stumbled back as the boys laughed and then it was a blur from there. The blond threw the first punch after he regained his balance. Then the boys attacked him and he kept doing kicks and punches until they were all on the ground except one of them.

"What's the matter? Having trouble breathing?" The leader sneered as he held my neighbour in a headlock. The man elbowed him in the stomach and flipped over on to his back. The boy advanced again and in the blink of an eye, the blond had the leader in a headlock.

"What's the matter? Having trouble breathing?" The blond mocked as police sirens approached.

"Hey! Get off the kid!" A cop yelled as he jumped out of the car.

"Hey! Hey! It's not his fault!" I yelled running forward from the spot I had been watching as the police sprained my neighbour's eyes with pepper spray. The police knocked him out and soon I was standing in the parking lot alone.


Author's Note

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a couple of days! This chapter was much longer so it took a while to write and I had to go back and rewatch some of the show to get all the details right.  If you enjoyed this chapter please consider voting!

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