~The First Day of School 2~

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Y/N and Shoto arrived at school before the second bell rang and found their seats.

Boy was this class chaotic. There was a blue haired boy with glasses, yelling at a blond Pomeranian like haired boy. The other classmates were trying to calm them down. There was also a green freckled face boy who arrived a bit later than Y/N and Shoto. He seemed a bit timid.

At that moment everyone noticed a yellow Caterpillar-like item on the floor.

Bakugo: What the FUCK is that!

Ida: That is no way to speak Bakugo. Especially at school.

Deku: Kachan... m-maybe he's right.

Bakugo: Oh shut the hell up. Damn nerd!

Iida: Baku-

At that moment the class stared at the yellow sack that was now standing.
The sack started to unzip its self, and at that moment everyone realized. That the sack is a sleeping bag, but now a new question arose. Who was in the sleeping bag, and what do they have to do with them?

The students were all shocked to see the pro hero Eraserhead coming out of the sack with....um..a caparison
[Tbh I don't know what the hell he has]

Aizawa: It took 8 minutes for all of you to shut up. Yeah, that's not gonna work.

He says in a sleepy and annoyed tone as per usual.

Midoriya: Wow! Pro hero Eraserhead! What are you doing here?

Aizawa: Yeah. I'm your teacher so grab a gym uniform and head out to the training field with me.

Aizawa pulls 21 gym uniforms out of his sleeping bag. Class 1A was too baffled about how they were going to train today. Even though it's the first day of school. Not even realizing that Mr. Aizawa had to be laying on their gym uniforms while he was inside the sleeping bag.

[No but like in all seriousness is his sleeping bag endless like some sort of Marry Poppins magic🤔]

All of class 1A - Y/N and Shoto: WHAT!
Aren't we supposed to be doing orientation!

Aizawa: Orientations don't make heros. Now, do they?

The whole class was baffled by all but Y/N and Shoto they were used to strict training regimens due to their father. The whole class hurried and followed Aizawas instructions. The whole class meets Aizawa on the training field. This is when the real day began.

~Authors note~

Hi! This chapter was interesting to write. I had slight writer's block, and all the tempting manga and books didn't make it any better. Not only that I actually didn't know how to word this chapter, but all in all I hope you all enjoy it.


♡Bye Beebes♡

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