~ High Score / introduction ~

54 1 1

Aizawa: An..d time!

The class had just finished their test, most of them were out of breath or wishing they did better. All but you, Shoto. You two were patiently waiting for the results.

Aizawa: Here the results.

The results then popped up on the big screen first place Y/N, second place Shoto, and the third Bakugo. Your attention switched to the wailing and somewhat demonic laughter.

Bakugo: Ahahaha! Told you damn Deku, you're not cut out to be a hero.

The wailing was coming from Midoriya, but Bakugo called him Deku. You were interested in how they knew each other since it seemed like they had a long history.

Midoriya seemed to be wailing because he got the lowest score out of everyone. No wonder he was crying, he was going to be sent home on the first day!

Aizawa: Midoriya quit your crying.

Midoriya: But, aren't you going to send me home?

Aizawa: No one's going home. I lied.

The whole class was shocked, they wouldn't have guessed that Aizawa would "lie" to them. Shoto on the other hand thought that it was because Midoriya showed great potential, and that's why Aizawa told a "lie".

Bakugo was beyond disappointed that Deku didn't get sent home and it showed.

the class was dismissed for lunch.

--------- Time Skip ---------

Aizawa: Ok everyone, settle down. One by one you guys are going to come up here, and tell us about yourself. Don't make it too long though.

Aizawa then slid into his sleeping bag.

Students came up one by one. Hi I'm Momo, Mina, Jiro, Shoji, Koda, Tokoyami, Kirishima, Ochako, Ida, Tsu, Hagakure, Sero, Sato, kaminari, Aoyama, Izuku, and Mineta.

They all came up stating their names and quirks and saying what they were looking forward to during the school year.

Then Bakugo's turn was up... You stared as he walked to the front of the classroom. It felt like he was walking in slow motion. He had a surprisingly calm almost bland expression, but to you, at that moment you had never seen something so relaxing. His beautiful ruby red eyes shined and sparkled with passion, a determination.

He made it to the front of the class. Luckily no one caught you staring they were too tired out to pay attention to everything and everyone.
He started to talk about himself and his quirk. His expression changed from calm to normal Bakugo.
You listened intently to everything he said, you didn't notice or more like you didn't want to notice the huge smile creeping onto your face while he was talking.

He had finished his introduction and made his way back to his seat.

Next was Shoto, he went to the front of the class and stated his name and quirk. Everyone was staring at him. Whispers erupted from the class 1A students. There were whispers that could be heard such as. "Woah his father's Endeavor" and things like "The number two hero is his dad"

It was finally your turn
You walked towards the front of the classroom and almost tripped. You luckily caught yourself and hurried to the front of the class. You were extremely embarrassed, and anxious. But you just took deep breaths and started to introduce yourself.

~Y/N and The Todoroki Family~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें