Chapter 5

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Okay, this is weird and sudden, but just WARNING! There is mention of blood and stabbing in this (Wow, way to reveal the plot) but seriously, if you don't like that or find it disturbing don't read this or just skim. I don't know how to break it up with the plot so things might get  little confusing if you skip.

Also, Luke deals with panic attacks and has in the past.

So straight forward, I know. 

On with the show!


Luke felt Julie slip away, reluctantly releasing her hand from his. He shoved the boys in the arms, signalling that she had left.

'Not again!'

He yelled into the darkness, watching as the lights flickered out.

''Julie! Julie!''

It was his nightmare all over again.

The guys searched the room, trying to see through the pitch black. You think that being a ghost would help with things like this.

It didn't.

They continued to scream her name, running their hands along chairs and bumping into tables. And then Luke's heart hurt. It wrenched in his stomach, and he fell to his knees, breathing so fast, it would be impossible to think he wasn't able to breathe. Luke felt helpless lying there, as coils of black grew up from the floor, twisting around him. He could hear Alex gasp in the background, Willie struggling, Reggie, kicking and scrambling on the floor. 

This was it. 

Caleb had Julie. He was going to kill her, and then destroy their souls, making Julie his little puppet. The grip of the coils tightened, and they burned like hot iron on his skin. He grunted in frustration, the black wisps continuing to tighten around his body, pinning him to the floor. He strained against them, and they pulsed with a purple glow, just like when they were cursed. He hated this. He hated everything that was happening. He hated Caleb. He hated being just like everybody else. Helpless, hopeless, and hurting. He let himself go slack against the burning rope, closing his eyes, barely breathing. Then he heard a muffled cry from behind him, and his heart broke into a million pieces. It was Julie. Julie. The one person he cared about more than anything. He screamed in anguish, loud and strangled. His eyes burned with tears and sweat, and he pulled and tugged at the rope, fueled with fury. Nothing. He was trapped. He stopped fighting, an uneasy calm coming over him. Caleb had gotten enough energy and was able to control the boys. Able to control Julie. As he fell back down to the ground, his eyes stinging, his throat on fire, he felt a cold, flat sensation lean onto his neck. But he wasn't afraid. He knew what it was. He could smell his scent a mile away. He laughed at himself for that. At least this time he knew death was coming. At least this time he could accept it.


Julie watched aimlessly as Caleb paced in the darkness. She could hear the guys screaming in the darkness, calling her name, but she couldn't answer. Caleb had chained her to the wall with his power, gagging her with a cloth so she couldn't scream. She had thought they had escaped him, that there was no way he could get to them. But she was wrong. Like he said, he had the upper hand.

She could hear him muttering to himself, the floorboards creaking underneath him. This place was old, and had been blocked off for years. Well, at least that's what she thought. She had never heard anything about this place. It was old as far as she could tell, and that was why it lived up to its creepy potential. She guessed it started around the 1960's, and she guessed Caleb was in his early 40's back then, which made Caleb....She shuddered. That made him practically a hundred years old. Nearly a century. God, that was old. Things couldn't get any weirder.

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