Chapter 2

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You woke up to a pounding headache, which should have been expected from your drinking the night before. You rubbed your eyes as you tried to remember the events that transpired last night, the memories of Norbara and Itadori's failed set up and having to deal with that. Then you remembered melting on Itadori's tongue, a blush rising to your cheeks as your hand drifted down to twist the hem of his tshirt. You were suddenly aware of the person next to you, Itadori's arm still slung around your waist. His face was pressed into the pillow, his chest falling and rising softly as he snored lightly.

You couldn't believe that the previous night had happened. You couldn't remember ever even thinking of Itadori like that, besides the first time you met him. You carefully lifted his arm off you, wiggling out from beneath his arm and pushing a pillow in place to replace your body. You got up and stood still for a moment, your eyes scanning the room before landing on your clothes in the corner. You slipped into your underwear and jeans, putting your shoes on and grabbing your phone from the side table before sneaking out of the room. You heard the bed creak as Itadori presumably rolled over in bed, picking up your pace as you scrambled down the stairs. You tried to open the door as quietly as possible, but the sound of the bed creaking again made you panic as you dropped the door behind you.

    Your forehead smacked against a person's shoulder, a curse slipping out of their mouth almost immediately. You lifted your head to apologize, recognizing the familiar head of messy black hair.

"I still have no clue how your hair stands up like that. Also, I thought you quit," You moved to the side, standing next to Megumi. Your nose scrunched up at the sight of the cigarette between his fingers. He rolled his eyes and lifted it to his lips anyways, smoke curling around his lips as he exhaled. You glared at him before slapping it out of his hand, reaching over to step on it before he could pick it up.

"You are an absolute pain, you know that right?" Megumi huffed, crossing his arms as a glare settled on his face that matched yours.

"My juul is dead so I decided to go old fashioned for today. School is just stressful as hell right now," Megumi added, making you shake your head at him. Earlier in the year he had declared he was going to quit, so catching him red handed made you smack his shoulder again.

"Anyways, why'd you stay over? You definitely didn't show up in that tshirt" The corners of Megumi's lips turned upwards into a small smirk, making your face begin to burn again.

"I was too drunk to go home so I just fell asleep in a room. Aw look at the time, I need to get back now." You quickly made your way down the front steps, lifting your hand in a wave before Megumi could ask any more questions. You hurried back to your dorm, taking your phone out to text Norbara. You saw that she had texted you the night before, saying that she was staying over with her friend and spending the day with her. You texted a thumbs up in response and shoved your phone back in your pocket, scanning your card to get in the elevator.

You tried to rub your headache away, the bright lights in the elevator and hallway not helping at all. You unlocked your door and made your way to the bathroom, finally being able to wash your face and your normal morning bathroom routine. You took a quick shower, the hot water leaving your skin soft. As you dried yourself off and began changing, you noticed faint bruises on your thighs, making your eyes widen. After you stepped out of the shower, you decided to put Itadori's shirt back on before settling onto your bed, the tshirt hanging past your underwear so you didn't have to put shorts on. You couldn't stop your mind from wandering, and you couldn't help but wish it was last night all over again. You wished you were more sober during that time so you could remember it more clearly, but then again if you were perhaps it wouldn't have happened.

The memories were a blurry sequence, your mind jumping from between Itadori's tongue in your mouth to his hands pulling you closer, all the way to him holding you against him as you fell asleep. You let out a groan of frustration as you felt your underwear already soaking through, slipping it down your legs and tossing it in your laundry bin in the corner. You stretched across your bed, pulling open your underwear drawer in the side dresser and reaching all the way to the bottom to pull out the tiny vibrator you kept in there for times like this. You laid back on your bed, turning it on and holding the tiny bullet on your clit. You immediately whined at the contact, pulling it off almost immediately.

Wingman (College AU Itadori x Reader) NSFWWhere stories live. Discover now