Favorite Book Series

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Hey everyone!! Something random for today, what is your favorite book and/or book series? I want to get to know some of you guys better so if you want, comment on anything here or pm me if you want to talk or just need someone to be there for you.

My favorite book series is the Kingdom Keepers by Ridley Pearson. It is soooo good and interesting and leaves you wanting to read more!! It is about 5 kids (the Kingdom Keepers) who get picked to be Disney Hosts for Disney World, but soon enough, their hologram selves get transported into Disney Parks at night and they have to defeat and fight a group of disney villains known as the Overtakers, who want to defeat all good Walt Disney ever created. It is sci-fi fantasy and is highly action packed and amazing!!! I am a huge Disney fan, I love anything and everything Disney, it is great book to read for those of you who love Disney. But it isn't just for Disney fans, if you are looking for a good book/series, I highly recommend the Kingdom Keepers!! 

(Also, I haven't started it yet, but plan to soon, I am writing a Kingdom Keepers fanfic, so if you do love the Kingdom Keepers, hope you decide to check it out!)

That is my fav book series!! What are your guys? Any suggestions for good books to read?

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