Chapter 57 - The Curse

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"Draco, your father-" I said and he yelled.

"I DON'T CARE ABOUT EVERYONE" he said making me flinch.

"Who did this?" he asked as his fingers traced the mark on my neck. Mrs. Malfoy's grip. I looked at the others and lied, "Y-Your father"

"Good thing he got what he deserved" he said as he sat down beside me.

"What did I tell you, Olivia?" he asked looking at me and I looked down.

"You better know to answer me the first time I ask you a certain question" he said as I gulped.

"Y-you said that if I hurt myself, you'll kill me"

"Well, shall I?" he asked rhetorically.

"But I-" I said and he cut me off.

"Shut up!" he said angrily.

He had a different way to show his affection and his care. Others might think that he was being rude to me, while I knew that he was just worried about me.

"Why does it matter? I am fine now" I said rolling my eyes.

"Why-" he scoffed, "Why does it matter?" he repeated my question and looked at me.

"Granger" he said and I looked at Hermione, since when do these two talk?

"For someone who comes top of her class, isn't she oblivious?" he asked and Hermione tried to suppress a laugh.

"What?" I asked but he cut me off.

"I'll take the night shift" he said and he was about to leave.

"Night shift?" I asked and he looked at our confusing faces.

"Assuming that you guys are now guarding Olivia and not Potter, since he doesn't need any protection and Olivia does" he said and everyone looked at each other.

"You don't know, do you?" he asked and scoffed.

I grabbed his wrist and said, "Draco, w-what are you talking about?"

"When you jumped in front of Potter and LeStrange, to save his life. Potter's curse that is irreversible, reversed itself and split in between you two. So, with Potter, even you are at risk" he said and I started breathing heavily.

"Here" he said as he opened the buttons of my gown and everyone gasped. I looked down and saw the Dark Mark just above my left breast, where Draco had hit me.

"H-How?" I asked and he answered before I could ask fully.

"I heard Snape and Dumbledore talk" he said and I said, "I'd like to be alone"

"No, no. I don't care, how much it hurt you. Your life is at risk, no one is leaving you alone. At least one of us will be there with you all the time" Draco said shaking his head.

"I said I'd like to be alone!" I yelled and everyone flinched.

I never got angry at anyone; this was a first.

"Fine, suit yourself" Draco said bitterly, "I'll be here after dinner, whether your angry ass likes it or not" and he left, so did the others.

It was a lot to take in. I had hit rock bottom.

Draco's POV

I barely got any food in but filled up a plate for Olivia and headed to the hospital wing. I reached the door when I heard her talk. So, I stopped at the door and listened.

"Why didn't you tell him?" Weaslette asked.

"I couldn't, he adores her. If he finds out that his mother is the one who left these marks, he would shatter" she replied and I was shocked.

𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚜 & 𝙻𝚒𝚎𝚜 ||𝙳.𝙼 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang