Fighting With Coolness (Uzume)

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean by that?"

Uzume looked up to the sky. "Well, it's been some time since we've started this partnership, I'm wondering if there's something else we haven't tackled yet."

"Hmm, something we haven't worked towards yet." You wondered if it was getting close on a personal level, but you weren't really sure. "Could it be something like lo-"


You were suddenly cut off when you heard a slight rumble in the distance. Instantly sensing danger, you got up and drew your weapon out.

"What the heck was that?" Uzume asked as she got up as well.

"Trouble...and it's coming this way."

Just then in the distance near a forest, a large monster appeared from behind it. It spotted you both and roared before coming towards you.

"Ugh, it's one of those giant floating ones with the tiny heads." You said. "Welp, time to get fighting again!"

"Hold up, let me join in!" Uzume called as you charged straight at it.


"Got a present for ya, bro! HIYYAAAHHH!!!" You attacked it without warning, dealing some damage to it.

"Hey, save some for me!" Uzume joined in. "HIYAH! ROAAAAAARRRRRR!" She went for Dream Roar which did some serious damage.

Because of how loud she yells through the megaphone, you had to always not be within her range, or your ears would be damaged for a long time. After she did her attack, you went for one of your skills that slowed the monster down. Uzume attacked again and the two of you got into a working rhythm in taking turns and attacking.

"Alright, (Y/N), one more should do it." Uzume said.

"Got it, shall I deal the finishing blow?" You asked.

"Nah it's cool, leave this one to me." She then brought something out, it looked like a crystal. "Share crystal...transform!"

That's right, you still hadn't seen her transform yet, so this would be your first time seeing her HDD appearance. A moment of brightness blinded you for a moment until it faded away, when you opened your eyes, you were in for a quite a shock.

In Uzume's place was a girl with orange hair and a white swimsuit attire and other accessories. In first glance, she was like a very happy and lively girl.

"Transformation complete." She said in a very high and cute voice.

"Wh-what the heck?!" You were surprised to see her change in personality and appearance. "Is that you, Uzume?"

She giggled. "Yes, it's me, now watch as I beat this no good, meany monster."

You stood back and watched with eyes wide open as Uzume finished off the monster with her finisher skill, Special Dream Combo. You've only seen it twice before, but even so, you just couldn't believe how much power she was showing in all of the moves that made up her finisher. The monster shattered into pixels, the battle was over.

She landed beside you and smiled with a big smile, she was a completely different person. "We did it, (Y/N), we nabbed this victory!"

"Uhh, yeah...who are you, again?" You responded, blinking.

"Oh, I'm Orange Heart."

"Right, so that's your HDD form?"

Her smile grew more. "Yeah, ain't I the cutest CPU you've ever seen?"

You looked away and cleared your throat, for she was right. She did look very cute...but knowing that she can go from a serious badass to a cutesy girl made you question if there is such a thing as logic in Gamindustri, but then again, why does that even matter right now? You shook my head and looked back at her.

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