'That takes me back, So Harry want to stroke my ferret?' I winked, he giggled and looked at the floor with pink cheeks, i pulled him to the front desk

'Two tickets to see 'The Hobbit' and some popcorn' I smiled, the girl behind the counter typed it into the cash register and passed us our popcorn, Harry rested his chin on my head and wrapped his arms around my waist,

'That will be £15,98' She smiled looking us over, I put my free hand into my pocket and pulled out £16

'There' i said handing it to her, she smiled and gave me our tickets and 2pence change

'you two make a cute couple' She giggled

'Thanks' I smiled and Harry kissed my cheek

'My brother is gay, and he's going over to america to get married, it's going to be amazing' She grinned 'Oh, sorry you probably didn't need to know that'

'No it's fine, I hope he has a great wedding' I grinned and she nodded

'enjoy the film' She smiled and i nodded and turned to Harry who let my waist go, grabbing my hand and pulling me to our screen. We walked into the dark theatre, there weren't too many people so we went to the back corner and sat down.

'So what were you thinking of doing?' Harry asked and I grinned

'Well, i'm not too sure' I admitted and his put his arm around me.

'we'll start half way through or something' He grinned and i nodded.

The film started and i put my head on Harrys shoulder and he rested his on top of my head. It was nice. I put my hand in the popcorn and threw some at Harry

'Boo' He whined lifting his head

'What?' I smiled, he grabbed popcorn and threw some at me

'How could you!' I gasped earning some odd looks from some teenage girls 'Stop looking at me' I shot at them and threw some popcorn at them, they squealed and covered their heads. Harry laughed into my hair and grabbed another handfull and threw it

'Oops i missed my mouth' He said loudly as it hit a mother and daughter, The girl lughed but the mum shot us an unamused look.

'When are we going to be introduced to the Zebra' I whined

'and where the hell is that dinosaur?' Harry asked, i snorted but hid it with a bark causing everyone in the cinema to look at the back curiously, Harry meowed

'Dogs don't like cats' I whined at him

'But maybe we cn chage that?' Harry winked

'That sounds like a plan' I agreed

'It really does' He nodded

'kiss me you fool' I said dramatically

'but i want to be a donkey' Harry sobbed dryly, hiding a laugh

'like Eeyore!' I gasped 'don't be sad like eeyore'

'Shh' The mother said with a frown at us

'Moo' I sneered back at her

'I think he's trying to say you're a cow' Harry shrugged, she gasped and looked back at the screen, I laughed and looked at Harry

'Oh Louis you look so amazing, i could just eat you up' He growled

'Do it, eat me' I answered

'Maybe i will' Harry replied grabbing me and pulling me onto his lap, He kissed me with a chuckle, i smiled and kissed him roughly

'Mmmm' Harry moaned loudly, I pulled away from him to see him smiling cheekily at me

'That was so hot' I spoke loudly

'So is your bum' Harry retorted, I lent back in and caught his lips again

'Mm, Lou' He said Loudly, i giggled but ran my tounge over his lip, he opened his mouth and we began to snog openly both letting out loud moans.

'Honey, don't look' The woman was saying to her daughter

'Louis stop groaping me' Harry fake moaned loudly into the silence, I laughed and continued to kiss him

'Harry take your hands out of my trousers, we're in public' I shouted

'I don't wanna' Harry whined loudly attatching his lips back to mine and running his hands down my back

'Oh Harry your hands feel so good' I giggled

'excuse me, i'm going to have to ask you too leave, you're distracting the other-' The security person said Loudly. Harry laughed and picked me up, placing me on the ground. I grabbed a handful of popcorn and threw it at him before Harry chucked the popcorn pot into the air and grabbing my hand and pulling us down the stairs, the security man was hot on our heels and i couldn't stop giggling.

'so much fun' I panted as we made it into the lobby throwing ourselves through the door.

'the best' Harry agreed through puffs of air, We ran out of the cinema and towards the car, dodging past old people eating sandwiches with no teeth and back to Harrys car.

'So' Harry panted leaning against it, i doubled over clutching at a stitch

'back to yours?' I asked and Harry agreed, I kissed him gently and walked around to the passanger seat as he got into the car.

Sorry it's been so long, i've not been feling brilliant for a while. So i've had little motivation to want to write...

But i hope this was worth the wait... only about 10 chapters left now... wow

WTC: Salty Sheep Steal Saucy Seals

I'll try and upload as soon as possible...

okay bye everyone

Grow a Fried Octopus Tree....

Curly :)

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