Baby bird part 8 (battle)

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Baby bird
Part 8
Contains: blood, foul language, smut
This chapter will be slightly long

Couple hours later, you and Hawks get ready for work. You both regret staying up all night but it was needed. The feeling of security between the both of you was strong. You put your newly updated suit on before walking to Hawks to see his reaction. The suit was black with like green accents like lightening going up the side and curving to the front of the outfit. It is skin tight, had a lot of boob showing. You had black tight gloves that went to your elbows. Don't forget your favorite heel boots that went to the thigh. Your body was definitely gifted with a large butt and huge boobs. You knew Hawks would go crazy over this new suit. You walk out and run right into Hawks. He stops dead in his tracks and stares at you.

"Oh my lord!" He says covering his mouth.
"Oh stop. What?" You add blushing moving past him.
"Even the butt looks good. God dam." He says turning watching you walk away.
"We going?" You say standing at the balcony.
"Oh this is going to be a hard day for me." He sighs pushing his boner down.
"Love ya. Now let's fly." You jump off the balcony knowing he will catch you.

After a short five minutes of flying you arrive at work. This was an important meeting with endeavor and the crew. He needed to discuss weekly assignments and missions. You hated these meetings they lasted for hours. You sat in the back corner next to Hawks knowing endeavor was to lazy to change up routine. He would give everyone the same mission and talk about how good he is. You sat down and pushed your boobs up with your arms crossed. Hawks immediately noticed and stared at them. You knew you got his attention but worried people would be looking you stopped.

You got a text from hawks
'If you don't stop I will pull you out of this meeting and do you in the office.'
'Aww poor birdy horny?'
'You have no idea what that outfit does to me!'
  'oh I do baby. That why I got it'

You put your phone away and try to pay attention to Endeavor. Although everyone is facing forward and no one is near you. You get the feeling nothings going to stop hawks. You feel his arm go behind your back and squeeze you arm. You look down to see hawks boner budging from his pants. It was extremely noticeable. He uses his arm that's behind you to grab your right side boob. This sends chills down your spine. Just as endeavor is about to tell everyone to have a good day hawks gets up quickly and runs out the door. Midnight comes up to you complimenting you on your outfit. You stop and talk to everyone about your training and how you are ready to get back out there.

Hawks texts you again
'Get your fucking ass in my office now!'
'Of course daddy'

You tell everyone you have to go before hurrying out the office. You walk down the stairs instead of talking the elevator just so it takes you longer. You know how much this has to be tormenting hawks. As you get to his office door and open you see hawks naked standing waiting for you.

"Oh my god! What if it wasn't me just then. Are you crazy someone could have see-en." Before you can finished hawks pushes you against the wall locking the door. He kisses you all over.
"This suit is going to cause some issues there baby!" He says undoing the zipper in the back.

You feel his hand trace down as he pulls the zipper with him. You push your head back as he sucks on your neck. You miss the feeling of him against you that you get butterflies like it's the first time. Just as he pulls the top of your suit down to your knees, there's a knock on his door.

"Yes?" He says trying to sound composed.
   "Hi sir Endeavor would like to see you." A random voice says
"I'll be there soon. I have some things to take care of first." Hawks says backing you against the office chair. "I have to finish you first." He whispers

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