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Your 17th one today, and counting. It was only 9:30AM and you had yawned for the 17th time today. It was a rather exciting day, usually you'd be in the high 30s.

That was the life here at Cafe Juniper, a small home-y cafe stop in Seoul. You inherited the shop after it's old owner, and friend of your family's, won the lottery. Lucky him, you thought, counting out the number of yawns you do in a day for fun. You would think business would be booming in such a commercial capital, but you'd see maybe about 4 regular customers a day. At the very least, two of them is a rather elderly couple who tips well. The other two...


A girl with bright pink hair and an even brighter personality, and her friend, a somewhat cold looking, intimidatingly gorgeous woman, walk into the store.

You felt a butterfly in your stomach as you prepared to say the line you had rehearsed a hundred times  before this moment:

"Hello, girls. The usual?"

The two girls synchronously bow their heads down, and greet you.

"Y/N oppa! It's good to see you! And you got it, the usual!" The pink haired girl beamed up, grinning as she spoke. Her name was Choerry, a stark, bubbly contrast to the usually mundane coffee house.

"Hello." The dark haired girl got up from her bow and gave you an awkward smirk. Her name was Olivia, a stark, moody contrast to Choerry.

The two girls took their seat at the closest to the counter, awaiting their order. For Olivia, a tall caramel frappuccino with extra whipped cream and extra caramel drizzle. For Choerry, a small black coffee. Funny, how that works. Rolling up your sleeves and taking a deep breath, you started to blend the frappucino, and without a second in between, began to brew the fresh coffee.

"Waaa, Y/N-nim is amazing as always!" Choerry yelled across the counter. "You never told us how you got so good anyways!"

Soon after Choerry stopped talking, you put the lid on the ready frappucino and coffee, serving it to the two girls' table. "2 years of coffee making does that to you. And recently, I've gotten a lot of practice with frappucinos and black coffees," you said with a smile, placing the girls orders down in front of them.

Choerry picked up her coffee and took a sip, squirming in her seat and shaking her hands in excitement.

"Mmmh! It's because this place has the best black coffee in South Korea!"

Olivia took a large gulp from her frappucino, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath in content.

"Mm. But it still needs more caramel, oppa." You silently questioned how half the cup wasn't enough caramel for the young woman.

"Thanks girls, both of you. If it weren't for you two this place probably would have gone under," you said, bowing your head slightly in appreciation.

"Oh my goodness, are you having money problems?" Choerry asked worriedly. "We're idols, y'know, we can-"

Before Choerry could finish you interjected. "I don't care about the money, I care about seeing you two." you said, looking down to avoid revealing your blush.

"So cute!!" Choerry whispered to Olivia while you were busy blushing.

"A-anyways, you girls enjoy, I have to clean up." you said, stepping back from the table.

"No! I mean, no Y/N, you should stay and chat." Choerry pulled on your shirt sleeve without thinking. Realizing what she had done, she lets go of your sleeve and gives you an awkward yet reassuring grin.

Olivia replies "Yeah, it's not like you get many customers. No offense." She took another large sip from her frappucino, halfway finished in the minute you've talked.

"Okay, okay. How are you girls?"

You sat there and listened to Choerry blabber on about the songs she's been writing, the dances she's been practicing, the clothes she's been buying. You wondered how such a bubbly girl could keep her energy after such a busy schedule.

"-oh, and there was this cute sweater I found and I thought it would look great on you! I'll have to take you shopping sometime. Oh, and-"

Olivia nudged Choerry on the elbow. "Cmon, we have to leave soon. Do what you have to do." Olivia picked up her now empty frappucino cup, leaving you two alone at the table to throw it away.

"Um, Y/N..." Choerry grabbed at your sleeve again. "I've been thinking a lot lately... about you." Choerry stared into your eyes now, sending ripples through your heart. "I like you. I want to start dating."

The most you could get out was a nod and a laugh, before Choerry forcefully pulled you in for a hug. "Yay!! I'm the happiest girl alive! I have to go now. But I'll call you tonight?" Choerry got up, waving goodbye while walking backwards to maintain eye contact.

"Bye Choerry. But wait how am I gonna-" you said, before Choerry pointed out her empty coffee cup. Underneath it, a 50000 won bill and a slip of paper with a phone number on it.

"Rich, and cute," you thought out loud, putting both into your shirt pocket and smiling to yourself.

Outside, you can here the distant screams of a girl yelling "I DID IT I DID IT I DID IT I DID IT!!"

With Cream | Olivia Hye x (M) Reader x ChoerryWhere stories live. Discover now