When Sirius got lost

Start from the beginning

This should be nice good start. Man looked at him and after while he decided to play along. Sirius status was still hallucination.

"Name's Higgs. I was left there by my ex-boss and extinction entity that want to end the world. I have been sitting here for about... 5 days I imagine."

Okay, Sirius decided he was not craziest person in this place.

"Will you explain me magic now? Are you some kind of god?"

Nope, this will needed talk. THE talk about magic.

With that decision, Sirius sat next to Higgs and started telling him about himself. How he was born in pure-wizard family, how it was like growing up with magic, while watching muggles from windows of their London house. Pleasant years at Hogwards and best friends he made for life. Then he explained war, Deathsmoochers, Voldy and how his crazy cousin threw him in The Veil.

At beginnings of his talk Higgs looks amused, like listening to bed-time story, but as Sirius explained more and more, his eyes changed and he started believing him. Of course, thousands of questions really helped. When Sirius finally finished the talk, they were starved, so he collected some of those flying bugs — Cryptobiotes as Higgs informed him — and produced some water.

"Well, now that you know my story, I would like hearing your... and we could find out what is this place," told Sirius.

"Why do you want to know about me?" asked Higgs hesitantly.

"Well... do you have anything better to do?"

Looks like that was all that was needed to make him talk, they absolutely didn't have anything better to do. Sirius didn't think someone's life could made him so sad and mad.

Crazy uncle father figure, as nice as his own mother? He couldn't be that mad that Higgs killed him. Then really depressing life in the apocalyptic world. Rain that make everything age fast, BTs that can kill you and cause explosion, people living in underground and crazy Extinction Entity that was leading him and his terrorist group.

At that point in story was Sirius mad at Higgs. Terrorism? Just like Death Eaters. Higgs saw that he was mad, and he made connection to Sirius' experiences. He looked like he started regretting his past actions. The story continues with really detailed descriptions on man named Sam that stopped him and end of the world in the end. Higgs was even ashamed he bit off a piece of Sam's ear, ew.

"So, now you know my whole story, feel free to eliminate me..." told Higgs in relief.

"WHAT? Why would I do that?" yelled out wizard.

"Because I am clearly monster... Someone you would fight back in your world." poined out Higgs calmly.

Animagus sighed. He properly looked at ruined man, seeing all regrets from his own life. There were people...who deserved chances to improve, but he never gave them that. Maybe he should act more mature, something he hasn't done enough until now.

Higgs was waiting for his act of violence and Sirius didn't know what to tell him. So the older wizard did best he could and tuned into his dog form and sat there as good boy he is. Ex-terrorist was agape. He clearly didn't know what to do now. After few more seconds of staring he lifted his hand to stroke him. Padfoot came closed and allow man to touch him. When hands started to pet him carefully, his eyes sparkled like those of little kids.

"I never saw... dog before. Your fur is so nice to touch," whispered Higgs.

He let him pet him, licked him few times for fun of it, made this sad man smile for 1st time since he met him. It took him few hours to reach conclusion that he won't slaughter him and relaxed.

"So, now that another person won't kill me, what are we gonna do?" asked Higgs.

Sirius had an idea already. He turned back into human and instantly started to carefully explain. Higgs lost DOOMS and his powers, but Sirius did not. Sirius lost connection to his world, but Higgs didn't lost connection to his. With that, plan was for Sirius to use magic — apparation — to get them out of the beach and back into the deadly raining world.

"But where do you want to go in my world?" asked Higgs, when they were preparing for the jump into the world of living.

"Somewhere safe. You need to think about place where you feel secure, I will take us there," answered Sirius.

Higgs noded. They get close, catch each other hands and prepare.

"Okay, think about safe place and don't get distracted. In few seconds I will transport us there."

As his partner in the jump calmed, Sirius prepared and on the beach was heard pop. After unpleasant feeling of being squished, they came back to life, still holding tight on each other.

They open eyes to see metal walls. Doors in room opened and person stopped right there, staring at them.

"Higgs?" asked surprised voice.


Oh, well... Sirius was certain man staring fiercely at them was the one and only hero of this grim world. This new life has really wild start.

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