When Sirius got lost

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Feeling of fall thought The Veil was strange. As much as that thing looked as thicker air, it felt like cold ocean water. Extremely deep salty water that blurred Sirius vision until he blacked out.

Next time he opens his eyes he lies on the beach. It's odd one, with black sand and some grassy and stony hills in the distance. Water also looks really dirty, like someone spilled a lot of dirt and oil into it.

"This is not really nice afterlife, I thought it would be crowded," said Sirius unsure.

Looking around he mumbles under his breath: "I know what it means to fell thought THE VEIL. I should be dead... but I genuinely don't think that's true."

With really unsure choice of direction, Sirius decided to walk, in hope he will find some people. While lonely wizard walked in this really moody place, he had a lot of time to think. He wanted to do many things in his life (even thought death didn't look that real to him).

So many regrets, so many people he wanted to spend time with. Watching Harry grow up at least a little is not option now. He missed so much of his life, he will miss even more now. Remus, his friend... still wanted to hook him up with someone. To see wizards free of war, to send those assholes in Azkaban. Maybe Ministry would finally listen to Dumbledore and Harry. He will never be free man.

Thoughts filled Sirius head as he walked west. After what looked like few hours, he started feeling hungry and thirsty. As Sirius didn't want to drink that nasty water, he made some with magic. Thanks Merlin his wand was in his hand while falling. As for food... dog animagus found some strange flying fat naked bugs. They looked disgusting, but as he lived on run before, he didn't hesitate. Bugs were surprisingly filling.

Night never came and it was always same weather, just before raining - white sky without single blue spot. Animagus take a little nap and after that he continues head west. When he didn't feel like walking, he apparates into distance that he could see. He tried to go back home, but... nothing happened when he attempted that.

Day 2 of his walking finally brought some fruits. In distance there was SOMEONE SITTING ON THAT DAMN BLACK BEACH. As he didn't want to scare the person away, Sirius decided to walk to him.

When he was close enough, he saw that person is man, in some kind of muggles clothes. Strange ones, with black and gold stripped cape thingy. And... with symbols tattooed on head.

"Hey," said Sirius about 2 meters away.

Man looked at him in surprise, his blue eyes with messed up eyeliner were big. Uh, he should hear him coming close.

"Wh-" man didn't finish even shingle work and started to cough, like his throat was dry as desert. In hurry, wizard created glass and filled it with water, to give it to him.

Man's eyes were staring at him, but he drank that in hurry. After he had finished, his first question changed.

"How? How did you do that? That can't be power from DOOMS, right?"

Now it was Sirius time to be surprised. DOOMS? He saw a magic and called it something different? Maybe some foreign wizard?

"Uh, no, that was just magic," he answered sincerely.

Man scoffed.

"Oh okay, I just went mad at this god-forgotten beach," commented man a little sadly.

"Uh no..." well, that was uncomfortable, he didn't want the 1st person to think he is just his hallucination.

"Let's start again. My name is Sirius Black and I think I died yesterday. When I woke up, I was lying down on this never ending beach, but more on east."

When Sirius got lostWhere stories live. Discover now