Chapter.2 dinner disaster

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William's P.O.V. After my shift at the bakery I went back to the palace I was called to the prince's room to help him get ready. I brushed his hair fixed his cape and praised him and called him a handsome young man and anybody would love to just be 3 feet of him what a night. I poured the white wine and then the tea for the Prince I put the flowers on the table I had also put some of my baked goods down as well but only princess Mabel knew I made them and if course my brothers. Once I was done I left the room till I would be needed again I saw kill on his way to the stable as I give him a quick hug "be careful kill" I warned as he patted me on the head "I will be find Will besides you should go check on Bill he should be guarding the dinning room tonight" kill said holding onto his bag as he walked off.  I soon walked to the guards all most of the guards knew me as the brother of my ruthless brother Bill Bill had made quite the reputation of being the most ruthless guard in the palace I also made a reputation it was the fact I would Make sweets for the guards including Bill and I would always check on them. "Hey will I was just about to head to the dinning room you coming?" Bill said as I fixed his armor "oh course I just came to get you now come along we can not be late" I said as we walked off I knew a few snobby nobles would be visiting and Prince Mason would probably lose his head but this was pretty normal me and Bill stood by waiting till we were needed soon the noble Wendy asked who made the dessert and it was me and Mabel said it was me they nodded.
      Masons P.O.V. I wondered why Mabel forced me into eating with theses snobby nobles. At first they talked about MY servants then had the nerve to call me a work in progress! I was this close to have them beheaded when they tasted a cream puff "hm who made this?" Wendy asked as Mabel smiled "oh masons servant William made them right William?" She said turning to William I had heard the rumors of William being the best baker in town but I thought it wasn't true "y-yes y-your h-highness.." he said or more like stuttered out "let me try this cream puff pastry" I said taking one off the plate I took a bite out of it "hmm.." it tasted amazing it was the best thing I ever tasted actually "William mind telling why you never told me you could cook?" I asked as he started shaking his brother was near by and was giving me the don't you dare hurt my brother' I only smirked at him the turned back to William "well? Speak!" I order he was still shaking  "I-I b-believed y-you w-wouldn't w-want t-to k-know i-it is j-just a s-silly thing I do in my s-spare time y-your h-highness" he stuttered out. "Well next time tell me understand?" I asked glaring at him "y-yes y-your h-highness" he stuttered out as Wendy decided to get the point of her visit "ahem now I believe it's time we get to the point what do you think?" She asked putting her spoon down "of course" I said as William stood up straight. "I am here to pink a few new servants from you and I have already chosen" she said her head up high. "Yes I have chosen William Bill and kill" my eyes were filled with shocked and anger "no" I simply said "no? I don't think you understand your highness this is not up for distinction" she snapped as I growled "how dare you! As the Prince I sentence you to death! You shall beheaded!" I screamed as I pointed at her "Bill get her to the dungeon!" I snapped as Bill walked over and grabbed her "I am going to my room" I said with a sighed I walked up to my room and sat on my bed after tonight I would need some wine William soon knocked on the door and smiled "y-your h-highness I brought you some wine"  he said handing me a glass and leaving I got a sip and went to bed.

My servant willdip and billdip and killdip TadipOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz