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~Queen Under the Mountain~

The remaining members of the company, as well as Dain, Gandalf, Radagast, and Beorn, had gathered deep within the halls of Erebor to commemorate the fallen King and princes.

Thorin, Fili, and Kili were all laid to rest in the royal tomb where they had buried the bodies of their kin, all victims of the aftermath of Smaug's destruction. Each of the two princes and the king were laid upon beds of stone, candles surrounding them. Each of the remaining company members were given time to circle each of the fallen royal warriors to pay their respects and say their last goodbyes. Dahlia placed a tender kiss to each of their foreheads, first Kili, then Fili, and finally Thorin.

"Farewell sweet, passionate Kili. Farewell adventurous Fili. Farewell, Thorin - amralime..."

After leaving the tomb, everyone gathered in the great hall where Dahlia sat upon the throne. 

"The King is dead - long live the Queen!" declared Gandalf. 

"Long live the Queen!" everyone cried in unison. 

"All hail Queen Dahlia Ironfoot - Queen of Erebor, Queen Under the Mountain."

"All hail the Queen!"

She sat stiffly in the throne, surrounded by  her father's guards, the Arkenstone glowing brilliantly above her while she gripped the arms of the throne tightly, so tightly her hands shook and her knuckles became white.

It felt wrong, but it had been Thorin's dying wish, and she would honour it. 

She removed the Arkenstone however, and carried it with her to the tomb, placing it upon Thorin's chest where his hands were folded.

"It is yours now, you know," Balin said.  "The birthright of the ruler."

"I know. But it doesn't feel right for me to have it. Here it will be safe."

"There will be a great feast tonight," Balin told Bilbo as he and Dahlia walked the Hobbit out of the kingdom a little while later.  "Songs will be sung, tales will be told, and Thorin Oakenshield will pass into legend."

"I know that is how you must honour him," Bilbo said with a nod.  "But to me he was never that. No, Thorin, to me, he was - to me..." He didn't finish, unable to, but he didn't need to, for they understood. 

"I am glad you will have fond memories of him," she said. "To keep with you."

"I will," he promised.  "Well I think I'll slip quietly away - will you tell the others I say goodbye?"

"You can tell them yourself."

Bilbo turned to see the rest of the remaining company had gathered at the gates to see him off. He chuckled, clearly touched by the gesture. "Uh, if any of you are ever passing by Bag End, um, tea is a four, there's plenty of it, and you are welcome any time." They all bowed their thanks.  "Oh, and don't bother knocking." This rose tearful chuckles from everyone.  

"Farewell Bilbo Baggins of the Shire," Dahlia told him. "You will always be welcome within the halls of Erebor."

"Farewell, and thank you." And their burglar was gone.  

During the feast that night, Dahlia slipped away, back to the tomb.  Once there, she began to softly sing.

"Night is now falling

So ends this day

The road is now calling

And I must away

Over hill, and under tree

Through lands where never light has shone

By silver streams that run down to the sea

Under cloud, beneath the stars

Over snow one winter's morn

I turn at last, to paths, that lead home

And though where the road then takes me

I cannot tell

We came all this way

But now comes the day

To bid you farewell...

To bid you farewell..."

Her voice began to break and by the time she reached the end of the song, she was sobbing.  

"...I bid you all a very fond farewell..." She leaned against the wall for support.  "I thought you were leaving with Bilbo," she then said when she heard the soft footfalls that were unmistakably the Grey Wizard. 

"I am, but I am curious, and a wizard always seeks to feed his curiosity," Gandalf replied. "Did you  mean what you said when you said you carry the last of the Durin line?"

"How do you know I said that? You were nowhere near us on the battlefield."

Gandalf gave a little shrug.  "Magic."

This made her chuckle a little.  "It was meant as a diversion," she explained.  "To try and stop Azog from attacking Thorin." Which ultimately hadn't worked, in the end.

Gandalf continued to eye her, clearly not satisfied with her answer.  "Was it?"

 But she said nothing, neither confirming nor denying his inquiry.

(And there we are, that's the end! Thank you so much for sticking with me throughout this story - I love these movies and this world so much so it was great to be able to do a story for it! Once more, thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed overall! :) And I bid you all farewell - farewell!)

Queen Under the Mountain - Thorin OakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now