Chapter 3

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*Listen to Lips On Lips by Tiffany Young while reading this chapter*

Tabby's POV

What just happened? Did he just kiss me on my forehead? I watch as he walks away. On another note I thought he was walking me home, but there he is walking away from me. I roll my eyes as I turn around. He sure is indecisive.

I start walking again to my apartment. I think about what he said about me being his lead dancer. That means I would be his leading lady in all of his music videos. I did some homework before going today and watched some of his music videos. I don't know if I'm cut out for that role. I'm not sexy. Not like the other girls who would fit the role better. Wonder what they will think about this decision.

I go into my apartment and take a quick shower before going to bed. Ready for whatever tomorrow brings me.

I wake up the next morning and get dressed in shorts and a crop top. I figure I will be practicing a lot today. I put my hair into a messy bun and walk out the door.

I make it to the company in good time. I head to the practice room we were assigned and go inside. Seems like I'm the last one here. The rest stand up when I walk in. I bow my head slightly.

"I'm Tabby. I'm honored to work with you all." I introduce myself and the others bow their heads in return. They each take turns introducing themselves to me.

"Aera." Says one of the girls who's proportions were perfect. Fair skinned and short brown hair.

"Jiwoo." Says the other girl who's proportions were also perfect. Tan skin with long blonde hair. These girls were gorgeous and then there was me. I mentally sigh as the guys introduce themselves next.

"Jiho." Says the first guy. He is muscular with brown hair.

"Seojun." Says the second guy. This guy is tall and skinny with black hair.

"It's nice to meet you all." I reply with a smile. I can see Aera and Jiwoo sizing me up out of the corner of my eye.

"How long have you been dancing?" Seojun asks me.

"I've loved dancing my whole life. When I was 18 I came here and started dancing professionally. This will be my first real professional job with an artist." I explain to them.

"Your first?" Jiwoo asks and smirks at Aera.

"Yes. I'm excited to be here." I reply. The practice room door behind me opens and I turn around to see Jay walk in. I go to stand with my fellow dancers to wait for what Jay has to say. The girls start acting different and trying to get Jay to notice them. I almost cringe at what was going on. Makes me think they were only here for one thing instead of just dancing. Jay pays them no mind and glances at me. He smiles slightly.

"I'm here to let you know who my main dancer will be. The job of the main dancer will be the leading lady in each music music. They have a different choreography than the others." Jay explains to all of us. Aera and Jiwoo get excited as Jay explains the role. I wonder if he is still serious about me being the main.

"So who is it?" Aera asks and moving forward with Jiwoo. Jay looks past them at me and points right at me.

"Tabby." Everyone's head turns to me.

"Her?" Jiwoo asks.

"I think she's perfect for the role." Jay says.

"Perfect?" Aera looks me up and down and scowls. Looks like I won't be making friends here. I step forward and look at Jay.

"Are you sure about this?" I ask him.

"Yeah. Are you sure?" Jiwoo asks Jay and has the audacity to go up to him and place her hand on his chest. He gently pushes her away.

"I'm very sure. Now excuse us. Tabby has choreography to learn with me. The rest of you will practice yours." Jay tells them. He turns around and walks to the door and I take this as a cue to leave with him. I follow him into the hallway.

"Wow. They hate me." I mutter. Jay doesn't look at me.

"Good. You gotta show them you're better than them."

"They just hate me because you turned down their chance to get with you." I say softly. Jay actually hears me and looks at me.

"Excuse me?"

"They just want to get with you."

"And you don't?"

"That's not in my job description." I say and Jay actually smiles. He doesn't say anything else and takes me into another practice room.

"This is my personal practice room. This is where you will practice from now on." He tells me. I nod in response and look around.

"Which song will we be working on?" I ask him.

"My song called Me Like Yuh. I'll show you a video of what I have in mind for the choreography." He turns on the video and I study what is going on in the video. There are a lot of intimate spots in this dance. The girls are definitely going to hate me for this. The video ends and Jay turns to me.

"Want to try it?" Jay asks. I nod slowly.

"Yeah sure." I reply. I go to the middle of the room as Jay turns on the music. He joins me and places himself behind me. He puts his hand on my arm and slides it down to grab my hand. His touch catches my skin on fire. My body responds to his touch by igniting as we dance together. This has never happened before when I've danced with others.

I get so caught up in the dancing and the fire growing inside me that I don't notice we are at the most intimate moment of the song. My back is suddenly against the wall and Jay has my hands trapped above my head. He slowly goes down on me and I can feel his breath on my stomach. I almost shiver, but stay still as he comes back up. Jay puts his face close to mine. His lips are so close to mine I can almost feel them. As soon as it starts it ends. He lets my hands go and steps back from me.

"I'll be back. I need some air." Jay mutters and leaves me alone in his practice room. I raise my eyebrow. I give him a few minutes then follow him outside. He is leaning against the wall in the hallway with his eyes closed.

"Why did you stop." I ask him. He opens his eyes to look at me.

"I almost got carried away." He says and looks away from me.

"Who said I wouldn't have liked you to keep going?" I ask him. Did that really come out of my mouth? Jay turns his head to look at me again.

"You don't want what I would have done to you." He tells me.

"How do you know that? I never told you to quit."

"You'll regret that." He says as our eyes connect.

"I doubt it."

"You should go for today."

"But we just started."

"Tabby," he sighs and closes his eyes again. "Please."

"We should practice more." He pushes off the wall and comes to stand in front of me. He looks me straight in the eyes.

"If you stay here another minute I'll fuck you.. Hard." He tells me softly. "Please. Go. We'll try again tomorrow." All I can do is blink at what he said. I back up a few steps.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." I finally say. I turn around and walk away from him this time.

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