Start again

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It was a warm summer day and all of the neighbourhood children were out playing in the sun.

"Essie! You can't catch me" A little boy with curly blonde hair and ocean blue eyes teased his Carmel headed best friend.

"Carl stop! We can't go near the road" The young girl shouted to her best friend but he did not listen and stopped just at the edge of the road and stuck his tongue put at her but before the little boy knew it he was being grabbed from behind and dragged into a car.

"ESSIE RUN!" He begged the young girl.


The car took of and Esme ran crying trying to catch up but it was no use the car was gone she ran home where her parents and Carlisle's parents were.

"Mummy" She cried running into her mothers arms.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"Carlisle's gone! A man in a car got him and I tried to chase it but it was to fast Mummy, I losted him" She violently sobbed into her Mothers shoulder. Esme's Father was the one to call the police and Carlisle's Mother who was holding her young daughter let out a tortured cry where as his Father just sat there numb, he was certainly in shock. They searched for 5 years with no luck and the police eventually gave up searching. 12 years went by and still no luck everyone in the town had eventually forgot about that day and most of Carlisle's friends couldn't even remember him however there were a few people who couldn't forget the kindhearted little boy, his parents still had photos around the house of him and every Christmas, Birthday and anniversary of that day they would light a candle in memory of their little boy and his sisters would always speak of him mainly in fear of forgetting him. Irina, Carmen, Tanya and Kate all remembered their brother with the exception of Tanya who was only 2 when Carlisle was taken, Kate was 4 and can remember only small things, Carmen was 9 and could remember everything about that day including her brothers screams and Irina was 12 she wasn't home when it happened but she can remember being out with friends and getting a call to tell her to come home straight away. Esme never forgot her best friend even though she was so young when it happened, her parents hoped and prayed that she would forget with time but she never did and she also never believed it when the police announced him dead.

(15 years later)

Carlisle POV

I can't remember much about my family or my life before I was kidnapped just small things that I cling onto like it was my life support. I was held captive in a damp cellar until 6 months ago when I managed to steal a guards gun and shoot him in the knee before calling the police on his cell and escaping into the forest with my son, Edward Anthony Cullen. Yes I do have a son and he was born in the cellar, I hadn't realised that I was born with a gene that allowed men to carry a child until I was already pregnant but although he was a product of rape I loved him and would do anything to protect my little man who is now 5 and is finally getting to live the life of a normal child, I am also now 8 months pregnant. About 2 months after I escaped a man offered me a job waiting tables at a Cafe allowing me to be able to rent a small apartment and buy Edward and I food and clothes as well as put some small things by for the baby but today we were heading down to where my family used to live in hopes that they will still be there, I grip Edwards hand tighter as we enter the train.

"Daddy, where are we going?"

"We are going to see if Daddy's family are still living where I used to live"

"What If they don't live me Daddy?"

"Nonsense baby, They'll love you" I said kissing his head as the train began to move.

I then rubbed my bump in failed attempt to sooth my other nervous baby, Edward kissed my bump.

"Let Daddy rest Baby" He said to the baby.

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