서른다섯: epilogue

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Fresh morning breeze with sporadic melodies of birds would make anyone's day

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Fresh morning breeze with sporadic melodies of birds would make anyone's day. Even Yoongi's. It had been a week since everyone lost contact with Eunbi, meaning she was nowhere to be found. It was hard at first for Yoongi to cope with the rapidly incoming cataclysmic events, but as time decided to move on regardless, so did Yoongi. It took a great deal of both inner and external conviction, for no matter how monstrous Eunbi had become, Yoongi's heart still ached because of him apparently playing a part in her transformation. That was the least he would have liked to see of himself.

He eventually reached his station's entrance after granting a full hour to himself for strolling around, the satisfied smile still not willing to abandon his lips. Lifting his gaze up from the path beneath, his contentment would have lasted longer had it not been for Bomin and his frantically assembling team. With eyebrows instantly knitting into one, Yoongi walked up to Bomin, who was now gesturing his subordinates to get into the police cars.

Yoongi placed his hand on Bomin's shoulder, causing him to turn around resultingly, "What's the matter? Where are you all hurrying to?" Yoongi grumbled, though Bomin did not fail at comprehending his question.

"Thank God you're here. You should tag along with us, come on." In place of answering to Yoongi's query however, Bomin began to haul him along instead, making him trip over his own stride.

"Wait, wait, wait. What is it? Are you hiding something from me—"

"Eunbi has finally been foun—" Before Bomin could even complete his briefing, Yoongi had already interrupted in between.

"Woah, what? Eunbi has been found? You're talking about our Eunbi, right? Where? How? Where did you find her?" Yoongi worded out every question that came into his mind at that moment, but when Bomin pressed his own lips into a thin line, he could not quite figure out much from his visage.

"Dead. She's dead. The locals saw a body floating on the river bank this morning. That's how we got to know about her. She's not alive anymore, Yoongi. She's dead."


Yoongi was well aware of how his action would be perceived as by his staff, and despite that he went forward to hold a funeral for his childhood acquaintance without any hesitation. She could have led a good life, but simply because of Yoongi being unable to find an apt answer for breaking up with her, she guided herself down the road to self-destruction. After all that she went through as a kid, and even as a teenager, she undoubtedly deserved to live in a better way. Had Yoongi known how he wound up deepening Eunbi's scars from her early years even more, he would have tried to look for a less reckless alternative.

Her soul was fragile, and required to be tended for. It must have been hard for her to love herself post all that trauma, but young Yoongi did not seem to care about it. So what he was repenting his actions now, would that make Eunbi rise from the dead again? Or going further back, would that persuade her that she was enough for herself, or that she did not need anybody else to teach her that? That she did not have to live up to other's expectations?

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