Chapter 6

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My Lord I

Look upon you

As one would a god

A look that borders on

Admiration, loyalty, and something

Something akin to loathing

It was still late in the evening and Kyona and Kisam were still kissing in the air. The entire world seemed to float endlessly beneath them as their wings suspended them in the air. Kisam's crimson wings were shedding maroon feathers every moment in the air. Kyona's turquoise horns rubbed against Kisam's chest as he gently stroked her pure white hair. His crimson eyes glinted in the slightly starlit sky. They were only mere silhouettes on the navy night sky, the stars the only things that shed light on their winged, horned forms.

"We have to go back now." Kisam said smoothly in her ear. He began to run his fingers through her pearl white hair, and she closed her eyes in response. The white crack on her face glimmered in the starlight as Kisam ran his finger down it.

"Okay." Kyona replied gently. They let go of each other. They began to plummet to the forest next to each other. Their wings landed them safely in front of the cave where they hand initially left from.

They walked in formally, marching with perfect posture and hands behind their backs. The oblong room hadn't changed since they left. The table was still sitting under chains and the bodies were still lying motionless on the wall for some twisted decoration. The puddle of blood beneath the two bodies and the Trida had largened significantly. Kai was standing at a shelf running his fingers across jars and books. He looked over at them and caught Kisam's loving glint at Kyona.

"I've told you that there is no room for emotion in a demon, Kisam." Kai said coldly, his silky-smooth voice carrying through the cave. He only slightly turned towards Kisam to glare at him.

"I'm sorry my Lord." Kisam said immediately. He did not stutter or hesitate to apologies. He walked himself over to the chains and readied himself to lock himself in.

Kai didn't chain him into the manacles immediately. Instead, he looked over to Kyona who simply starred back blankly. "What emotions have you engaged in?" Kai asked Kisam.

"Love my Lord." Kisam replied plainly.

"For whom?"

"Kyona of Life

, my lord." Kisam answered simply. Kai pondered this for a few moments. He nodded to Kisam and walked him back to Kyona's side. "That is fine, those emotions may even improve your teamwork, so I'll let you keep your love for each other." the two demons seemed unfazed but were internally relieved.

"Thank you, my Lord." Kisam said.

"Now escort her to her to her room." Kai waved them off as he turned back to the shelf and continued skimming its contents. Kisam began to walk down the long room and stopped at the last door on the left. It had 'Quarters' written on a plank of wood above the door. Kisam opened the door with his feathery wing, making crimson feathers fly everywhere. Inside was a spacious room, still cave like. There were two coffins hanging on opposite walls, each heavily locked. There were two oak dressers and two oak closets standing side by side on the back wall. The only source of light for the room was a small heavily barred window that sat just beneath the roof.

"So where's the bed?" Kyona asked confused as she looked around the room. She walked over to one of the coffins and looked it up and down, rubbing her palm against it. Looking closer at the tomb, Kyona noticed the indents of chains in the hard wood and slight splinters in it. There were also an uncountable number of latches for chains on the sides of the coffin. "And this room is quite bland."

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