Happy(?) new year

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-How're you feeling?
-Not too good

Brett was sitting at the kitchentable with a cup of coffee when Eddy eventually came out of the shower.

-You don't look too good. Eddy walked over and ruffled Brett's hair before kissing him quickly.
-YOU look good though! Brett smiled widely and complimented Eddy's halfnaked body, only wearing a boxer while Eddy walked over to the counter to prepare some food.
-Oh, thank you very much! Eddy laughed, pretending to be surprised and polite, even though he knew that was only Brett's way of getting the conversation over to something else than what was really important; how he actually was doing.
Eddy knew that, but he decided to pretend like nothing and ask again later.
-You want a toast?
-No thanks, it's way too hot to eat, I don't think I can...
-Yea I know, it's burning! I cant' even bother to put on clothes before we leave from here! I'm sweating without having anything on!
-I don't understand how you manage to eat while sweating.
-I guess I like food! Eddy smiled widely while sitting down vis a vis Brett, handing him a toast anyway. -There you go, you still have to eat.
-I'm.... really not that hungry..
-Come oooon! You have to be, even though you don't think you are! You haven't been eating for hours!

Brett tried some small bites, mixing them with a lot of coffee inside his mouth to be able to swallow it down. It felt like everything was growing inside his mouth, making it impossible to get it down.

-We don't have to do the filming today you know.
-What do you mean, of course we do! We've got lots of people joining us for this one! How are we going to cancel that??
Eddy shrugged.
-I can call and tell them you're sick, he answered in that plain, problemsolving, easygoing-nature-he- is-tone.
-I'm sure I'll manage to push this one through. I can rest when we get back home.

After having a break, they had started up filming a little bit again, taking it very slowly.
Eddy wasn't  sure about how it was going to work out today, Brett really didn' look that good. But after all, he knew best himself and Eddy supposed he was right. He was just gonna sit there during the whole episode and they could take as many breaks as they needed. The whole team knew Brett was sick, they would be patient.


The new year was starting with a really really hot summer weather, and Eddy had to make sure Brett got enough to drink at least, while eating way too little.
Brett wasn't able of keeping track on any of that himself.

The filming went ok. They got through it, somehow.
Brett felt nauseous and dizzy. He was relieved it was over, and tried to stand up, he supposed too quickly, because suddenly the whole room was spinning.
Eddy caught him when he noticed Brett swaying.
-You ok?
-I'm dizzy....
-Sit down again!
-Nonono, I.. probably got on my feet way too quickly. No worries.
That didn't help at all on Eddy's concern.
-You sit here and wait while as I help the others with the cleanup.
-No, I'm good..!
-No, you're not! You're staying right here! Eddy 's voice was much sterner, and Brett fell back on the chair, actually thankful, but letting out a huge sigh of bad feelings not being able to help.

Brett felt a little scared sitting there waiting for Eddy to come back. He really hoped for him to be quick. He felt a kind of urge inside, needing him to be by his side so badly right now.

Some of the volunteers were starting to walk past him on their way out. That was a good sign.
Some of them stopped and asked how he was doing and wishing him speedy recovery. Brett was thankful but tired of it as well. He had to answer, and answering every one of them the same words every time they passed, it was exhausting! He just wished for them to leave, not paying any attention to him at all or just say goodbye, that was more than enough!
What a rude and ungrateful asshole he was!
-Eddy, please hurry up! He thought to himself.

Finally Eddy came back, and this time Brett stood up really slow to avoid fainting.
-I'm all good.
-You sure?

The walk back to the car seemed incredibly long. Brett knew he couldn't make it, but he was too determined to do it.
Finally reaching the front door, when Eddy pushed it open and the way too hot air from outside hit him, the whole world started spinning again. It felt like that compact heat was hitting him so hard it hurt and all the air inside his lungs were pushed out of him.
He managed to walk out of the door, before the darkness surrounded him.
Eddy barely grabbed a hold on him, and pushed him up against the wall behind them, to avoid him from hitting the ground.
But Brett's legs gave way, and Eddy still had to hold him in his arms. Brett's head tilted backwards, he was so pale, SO PALE! Eddy got scared.
-Brett! Come on!

Luckily Brett came to his senses rather quickly, he was a little confused, but most of all tired.
-Just get me home, please.

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