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Y/N was a special girl that lived a different life compared to others, with her parents and two siblings which she cared deeply for.  All that changed when her only source of happiness was taken away by a demon.


Y/N's Pov.

I was in the backyard playing with my little siblings Amaya and Kaen, watching them run around with joyful smiles spread across their faces as they chased each other around until both of them got tired and went inside.

I watched as Amaya and Kaen walked inside barely catching their breaths while sweat dripped down their faces, Ama (it's what I call Amaya for short)walked up to Mother as she just giggled at the sight of her tired face, she handed Ama and Ka (what I call Kaen for short) two glasses of water as they quickly snatched them from her hands and started chugging down the water to cool them down. After some time they settled down and we where all having our dinner at the table, Ka asked me "Are you planning on becoming a demon slayer just like Father?" ( father  is a retired demon slayer and former Universal hashira, Celestial/ Infinity hashira was the code name) I simply replied with slight nod signaling "yes". I watched as Ka started to tear up so I went over to him to try and comfort him but instead he just pushed me away and said " You're just gonna leave and never come back! You're gonna leave me and Ama all alone..."he said, I reassured him that I would always be there for both of them, I said "Don't worry, i'll only be gone for two years to train with father, but I promise to come and visit!" He seemed to cheer up after that, but Ama on the other hand... I could tell she was trying to hold back her tears, I went over to her and said "Ama its ok, you'll still have Ka here and I'll always try to come and visit when I have time, ok?" after that she started to cry, but only slightly as I reassured her I'd never leave her...

Amayas Pov.

I knew Y/N was going to have to leave one day, but I couldn't keep myself from crying no matter how hard I tried, Y/N was always there for me, she's the best big sister anyone could ever hope for, but I know she's doing all this to protect us... I wanted spend all the time I could with her before she leaves, and I know Kaen wants to too.

Kaens Pov.

Me and Ama are always spending time with Y/N cause we knew she would have to leave soon, but I don't want her to leave... she's always there for us and takes care of us, of me when I get hurt I can tell she loves us a lot, and we do too, thats why we don't want her to leave but I know she has to, it's all to protect us. She promised she would always come and visit us when she got the chance, and Y/N never lies so I obviously believed her but even she seemed sad so I was worried.

Y/N's Pov.

I knew I had to leave soon, but it's just so hard to say goodbye...Ama and Ka have been spending a lot of time with me lately, they've told me how much their gonna miss me and I think it's adorable that they care about me that much but they know I have to do this, so that I can be strong enough to protect them...

                                                                          ~TIME SKIP 2 MONTHS~

Today was the day, the day I head off to the mountains with my Father to train to become a demon slayer and be strong enough to pass the final selection. I have to train for at least 2 years before the final selection, to at least get down the first 6 forms of Universal breathing. This breathing form was created by my ancestors and passed down through my family. Only the people in my family know this exists, for the exception of Kagaya Ubuyashiki. Like I mentioned before, my father is the former Universal  Pillar, but no one knew the extent to that unknown power as they had only seem the first 6 forms of this universal breathing and not any of the other forms. The only reason Mr. Ubuyashiki knows the rest of this power Is because my Father told him about it when he became a hashira, but made Mr. Ubuyashiki not to tell anyone what his 'power' could do. Since this power is so much different from others, and only some now the full extent, the code name is "Celestial/ Infinity Pillar" but its real name is Universal. Of course I know this cause my Father told me. But back to the point, the universal breathing has 23 forms, but not everyone who is taught them are strong enough to master them. So as long as I learn at least  6 I'll be able to go to the final selection....

'I woke up to my name being called by none other than my Father, he had set some breakfast down at the table as I was charging out of my sleep wardrobe and into my black outfit and half / half haori ( I'll explain later) once I was done I walked over to the table as I begun to eat my breakfast as my Father was doing the dishes. I finished my breakfast and it was still early in the morning so Ama and Ka weren't going to be able to see me off, but I left a note for them at the table saying " I love you guys so much, don't forget I'll always be here for you even if I'm not there in person. I'm sorry I left without a proper goodbye, but if you're reading this,  know that I'll be fine and safe, be nice to each other, Y/N~" as me and Father were walking out the door I got my Fathers old Nirichin blade, (which I was gonna use to practice ) and started walking out and up the mountain.'

Amaya and Kaens Pov.

We woke up and ran to Y/Ns room hoping she was still there but we both knew she was already going to be gone either way... We walked to the kitchen with sad faces only to be greeted by our Mother who had made us food and tried to cheer us up, then she handed us the note that Y/N had left behind for us, we both jumped out of our seats and started to read the letter that said "I love you guys so much, don't forget I'll always be here for you even if I'm not there in person. I'm sorry I left without a proper goodbye, but if you're reading this, know that I'll be fine and safe, be nice to each other, Y/N~" as we finished reading it we both broke down in tears wishing Y/N was still here, but we stopped after a little while after her words rang in our heads " don't cry, I'll promise to visit when I can" Our Mother told us to sit down and eat our food before it got cold so we did still frowning, but knowing that Y/N would be ok we tried to cheer up and have fun.

Thats it for now, it's currently 11:30 pm and I have school tomorrow so I'll post again tomorrow when I'm done with school, have a nice night/day!!!! :P

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