Memories and mysteries

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Sam and Sydney walked back to their apartment building.  They climb the stairs to the fourth floor, the elevator still not working.  Her legs felt like they would give way at any moment.  

She swings the door open and unhooks Sydney's leash ; who disapeasrs  into the kitchen.  Sam follows her into the kitchen.  She pulls the carton of eggs from the fridge, cracks them into a bowl and starts whisking them.  Removing her phone from the armband worn for running laying it on the counter. She opens the microwave to place the eggs inside, sets the timer for 3 minutes.  

She picks up her phone as a melody escapes it.  The sudden sound makes her jump.  She swipes the green button joyfully saying, “Hello Mom, I’m surprised you waited so long.”

“Oh honey I know you like to run in the mornings and I wanted to give you a little peace before all the excitement started for the day.”  Her mom squeals on the other end of the phone.

The intercom buzzes indicating someone as at the building door.  “Mom what did you do?”  walking over to the panel by the door, pressing the button she requested, “Yes, what can I do for you?”

“I have a delivery for a Ms. Tripp.” the voice sounded relaxed, almost aloof.  Sam presses the button to allow him entry then opens the heavy metal door a crack.

“Mom! What did you do? I don’t want to make a big deal about this today.  Thirty is hard enough without being reminded that I am getting older every 30 minutes.” 

 Her mom gives a half hearted laugh on the other end of the phone.  She was a sweet woman, the mom all Sam’s friends growing up wanted.  They had a great, open relationship, sometimes to open.  

It was nothing for her mom to ask about her sex life or if the man she was dating was satisfing her.  Sam was able to talk to her about anything. Sometimes her mom forgot that with that trust though there needed to be respect.  

There was a soft knock on the metal door then it was pushed open a little further.  Mom had been rambling about what Cameron and Cloe, Sam’s niece, had been up to.  Standing in the doorway was a  young man wearing shorts and a blue tank top that looked like he dug it out of a trash can.  He held a vase with 30 purple roses in it and a balloon that just read Happy Birthday.  She took the vase from him, gave him a $10 tip and closed the door.

“So? Do you like them?” Her mother's voice sounded hopeful and weary at the same time.  “I remember your father used to give them to you on your birthday each year and I wanted you to know he is with you and we are both proud of you.”

The lump in Sam’s throat grew bigger and she tried to swallow it down.  Her vision became blurry as unshed tears sting her eyes.  Voice cracking around the lump min her throat she  says, “They are beautiful mother.  You didn’t need to spend all this on me.  It is just another birthday I will get through it.”

“I know my dear but this is a special one and I know you have been having a hard time with it. Are you going out with Jake tonight?” She asked, changing the subject, for herself or Sam who could tell.

“Yea, he is picking me up at 7.  He won’t tell me what he has planned which makes me nervous.  He is not the most thoughtful or fun person.  I just didn’t want to be alone.” The tone tells her mother to not push the subject.  “I saw Ken this morning.  The north shop is coming along well, she said.”  Now it was her turn to change the subject.  

“Yes.  Have you seen it yet? It is quite beautiful.  She has painted the walls a dark gray with mirrors and glass lighting everywhere.  You feel like you stepped into the Crystal Palace at Disney.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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