"Y-y-yes mommy..."

...Maybe it's time for a scene change.

"Wait! Don't leave me here with this-"


"That's all right, dear! You go have fun with your narration while my Izu and I have some fun! Tee-hee!"

...Since when was she able to do that?


Another part of being enrolled in the educational system of (name of region here) is the the overwhelming burden of schoolwork and other activities associated with it. Homework, clubs, community service, exams, projects, group projects, social groups, school parking, dirty restrooms, bullies, nerds, jocks, dolls, you name it.

In Mirio's case, when one is an enrolled student of one of the most renowned schools in all of Japan that burden doubles. Add the fact that he is in the hero course, and the burden triples. When said student is (unknowingly) being considered to being the successor of the number one hero of the nation, that burden quadruples. When said individual is the friend of one Izuku Mydoriya then...

...may the gods have mercy on what minuscule ounce of sanity is left in his system.

Which is no wonder why it is nothing short of a miracle when he is able to have a bit of free time in his already busy schedule, even for something as little as buying something from the grocery store. This is even better when you get to do it alone.

"Hey Miriro, when do we get to see those friends of yours? Are they busy? Do they also have to do school stuff too? How come we haven't heard about them until now? Is one of them cute? I bet they are cute. By the way, what are we getting? Are we getting any ramen? I just love ramen!"

...At least his buddies from UA are normal, that much is for certain. Mirio looked over at the bubbly ray of sunshine beside him, giving Nejire a slightly exasperated look.

"Nejire, I already told you before. Izuku is already in enough trouble and I got a call from his mom telling me that he's grounded until he graduates by the end of the semester. Mei also has school too, so she can't be slacking off either."

"Really? Oh, then maybe we can plan some sort of graduation/first meeting party! We can have so much fun! We can bring food, cake, ice cream..!"

A third person decides to join in on the conversation. A complete contrast to the happy go lucky girl, this one seems like he would rather be doing anything else.

"If any of what I've heard of these guys is true, then I am not in much rush to meet them right now.", said Tamaki nervously.

"Oh come on, Tamaki! I'm sure he's not that bad!" assured Nejire. "He might be a bit of a wild one, but Mirio says he's okay!"

"Okay!? One of them have been involved in more villain attacks and accidents than the three of us combined! Heck, Mirio just told us about the villain attack he was caught up in just recently!"

"...You know, for shy guy like you I'm surprised how you're so riled up about him."

"Well, let's just say that he's a bit like you... a little too much I would say..."

"What the-! What's that supposed to mean!?"

Mirio was quick to defuse the situation. "Alright you two, that's enough. Let's not get rowdy here, okay? Besides, he's not the type to hurt anyone."

"Are you sure about that?"

"...okay you got me, but at least he wouldn't do it to someone who doesn't deserve it."

The Ssssmokin' Hero: Deku!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora