Chapter... something

Start from the beginning

Now, she and a guy named Mirio were looking at a pink haired gremlin stabbing food with tools and a well casually dressed Izuku literally inhaling the entire meat stock of an american-style resteraunt. Both already lost their appetite a while ago

Heh, inhaling the entire meat. Leedleleedleleee... Sorry, was just reminding myself of something. Moving on now.

"Sooooo...does this happen often?" she asked Mirio, who was quietly sipping some soda.

"Not really, only when he's really hungry." He replied, quickly reminding the two gluttons for their manners before continuing. "At first it was difficult to do so without worrying about his budget, but then one of the heroes took an interest in him."

'Well this is new', Emi thought. "Really? I thought none of the heroes wanted anything to do with him."

Mirio gave a sheepish look at the statement , "Most don't, either because they couldn't handle his erratic personality or he would simply outshine them." He then quickly shifted into a bright smile, " But then Sir Nighteye decided he would be the one to support him"

"Sir Nighteye!? Not to be rude or anything, but he doesn't seem to be the type of guy to help him of all people!" 'I might need to speak with him later on about this'

"Heh heh, yeah you would think that, but it's actually quite the opposite! When I first started my internship with him, it turns out he is a sucker for comedy! He would always watch the news whenever Izuku came on, and he never fails to get a laugh out of him." They both looked at the eating duo, still devouring everything in sight.

Mirio continued with his explanation "Well, Izuku and I became friends shortly after the sports festival. When he found out about my internship with Sir Nighteye, he immediately began hounding me for a tour. When I told this to Sir Nighteye, he began hounding me for him to come visit his agency. I finally caved in, and not only did Izuku come for a tour of the place, he also got to be on a patrol route with the both of us!"


"Oh you better believe it, Ms. Laugh-a-lot!", exclaimed Izuku peeling out from the mountain of food. "Me, TinTin and All-Might's Little Helper were out there in the streets, fighting crime and having a grand old time! HAHAHAAAA! Speaking of time...!" FWISHH! He quickly swipes Miro's soda, ignoring the indignant "HEY!"

GLUG!GLUG!GLUG!BUUURRRRRRP! "TIME FOR A REFILL!" FWOOSH! Izuku now arrives at the soda machine, pulling out an OUTRAGEOUSLY HUGE CUP of out nowhere. "*Looks at the reader* Remember kids! Drink moderately and responsibly!"

Okay then, putting aside the strange PSA for a minute, we find a middle aged man just entering the restaurant. You were wondering when he would show up, eh?

With a hint of nervousness, he goes to the register where he quickly sets a black, strange bag on the counter. The lady on the counter doesn't seem to notice this, and promptly greets the man.

"Welcome sir! How can I help you today?"

"Y-y-yes hello! I would like a bacon cheeseburger combo with large fries, no salt please."

This would have been a typical day, if it wasn't for the fact that the man was quickly darting his head around every moment, as if someone was looking for him. It was also another big red flag as he made sure the baggage was close to him at all times.

"I'm sorry sir, we are currently out of meat for the time being."

"WHAT!?" Yells the man, leaning forwards and startling the woman as well as bringing himself attention to the rest of the patrons, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'YOU ARE OUT OF MEAT'!?"

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