The Gift

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"What do you mean, help you?"

"Become human again. A piece of the comet Attomon fell to earth, and a great magician forged into an amulet of power. It can end this curse. But only one bloodline is able to use it. If what you say is true, and you are biologically related to Ailith, then you have the power to use it. Like I said, if anyone else tried to use it, they would die." said Rudolph.

"So you're telling me, that because I am related to Ailith, I am supposed to perform a ceremony to help you all become human, and if anyone besides me tries it, they would die." said Amaris, trying to take it all in.

"Yes." said Freda.

"Fine then. I have absolutely no clue how i'm supposed to do it, but I will try." agreed Amaris. Each member of the vampire family seemed relieved... except one. Gregory had a resentful look plastered on his face. "We best be off. Our dad will be getting worried, and Tony's parents should be there soon."

"Alright dear. Stay safe." said Freda.

"Come on junior brother. Let's go." said Amaris, looking to where Rudolph, Tony and Koray were gathered.

"Alright senior sister." he said, emphasis on the last bit.

"Watch yourself. That's quite dangerous on your behalf." she said. He rolled his eyes and the mortals bid the vampires a good day's sleep before leaving.

It was around seven in the morning, and there was the slightest bit of light off the horizon.

Tony and Koray had resumed their game of tag, while Amaris just walked peacefully.

She checked the time. It was currently eight in the morning. The sun was now fully up and in the sky.

They went inside and found their dad sitting at the table, reading the paper as usual.

"Good morning senior father." Said Koray. Their father looked up and said good morning back with a smile.

"Did you have a good walk?" He asked.

"Yes we did! Thanks again for letting me stay by the way." said Tony with a smile. I could tell my dad liked him.

"No problem Tony. It's nice to know my son's finally found a friend, and he's American so extra points for that." said their dad, and everyone laughed.

"I have a bit of work I still have to finish for school. I'm gonna go and do it so I don't fail my classes." said Amaris.

"That's alright Chrysanthemum. I'll see you later." said their dad with a kind smile. He had called her Chrysanthemum ever since she was born, as it was her mom's favorite flower.

Their mother was very big on flowers, and even did a fundraiser that raised money for charity. Every time you bought a bouquet, she would donate the money to her favorite charity.

She gave a small wave and exited the dining room. She went up to her room and plugged into her headphones. She ended up playing 'this little girl' by Cady Groves.

"You're not the only one, walking 'round with a loaded gun!" she sang into a stray paint brush, dancing a bit.

A few minutes after she had been plugged in, someone opened her bedroom door. She took off her headphones and paused the music. When she looked up, she found her dad standing in the doorway.

"Hey honey, The Thompsons just called and said that their daughter Cyra had a softball game. They wondered if someone could bring Tony over there." he asked, pleading with his eyes. He worked from home so he was around all the time, but he had calls he had to make constantly, so he couldn't really do that type of thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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