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sungchan stared out of the window as his thoughts wondered to his soulmate. he could have sworn her mark looked like it was fading. just as he was thinking about aera, he spotted her outside on the training grounds.

he noticed a guy next to her, feeling a pinch of jealousy. it looked like she was crying, the boy drying her tears. sungchan furrowed his brows. why would she cry, what happened?

as he looked closer he noticed the boy was renjun, her best friend. at first, he thought renjun might've been the one who had hurt her, but by the looks of it he was the one crying to calm her down. he let out a deep sigh, catching his teachers attention.

"sungchan, is something wrong?" sungchans head turned towards mister moon. he slowly shook his head. "i'm sorry, i guess i'm just distracted by the engagement." he lied, not wanting his teacher to know about his current situation.

his teachers eyes softened as he spoke. "i know it's been much lately, but your title of king is now coming closer than ever. when you're married, your father will probably step down."

sungchan let his head drop. "i'm not ready yet" he told his teacher. this time, he wasn't lying. he didn't want to commit his life to being a king, or marrying.

"i think you could use a break right now" the older man said as he walked back towards his desk.

the young boy nodded. "thank you sir" sungchan said as he stood up and bowed to his teacher. he quickly ran outside, accidentally bumping into someone.

"look where you're going" a slightly familiar voice brought out. sungchan turned his head to the person, noticing that he had bumped into one of aera's close friends. he bowed apologetically to renjun as he gave him a forced smile.

"renjun right? i'm sorry, i'll make sure to be more careful next time" the prince told the boy. the moment renjun noticed he was talking to the prince, his eyes hardened. renjun rolled his eyes at the royalty as he started making his way from the prince.

"i see you're feeling much better right now, the fever wasn't a pretty one was it?" sungchan quickly asked to keep renjun from walking away. he wondered if he had done something wrong to make renjun act this way towards him.

"yeah i'm doing okay" he answered sungchans question. a silence fell as they both were just standing there, sungchan not knowing what to say, renjun not wanting to say anything. sungchan awkwardly rubbed his neck and looked through the window.

after a short amount of time, renjun spoke up to end the awkward atmosphere they had created. "congratulations on proposing" renjun said with a forced smile.

sungchans gaze turned back to renjun. "how do you know i proposed?" he asked him startled. he didn't tell anyone. he hadn't even told his parents that he had proposed yet.

"i saw" renjun honestly told the young prince.

sungchan moved a hand through his hair in frustration. "please don't tell aera, i can't have her know." he told renjun, desperation heard in his voice.

renjun let out a chuckle. "i don't have to tell her, she already saw it herself" he told the prince, walking away from him once again.

sungchan stood there dumbfounded. he couldn't believe she had seen everything. he ran after renjun and grabbed his arm, stopping his from walking away any further. "wait was that why she was crying? where is she i need to talk to her"

renjun turned to sungchan. "what does it matter to you? you're marrying that princess anyway. you don't really care for aera" he shot out, getting more frustrated by every word sungchan said.

sungchan was taken aback by the boys words. "w-what?"

"you were the one who hurt her feelings by proposing to some stupid princess. you did this, so why bother to talk to her? what are you gonna say anyway? you proposed, you can't just break off the engagement"

sungchans eyes hardened, returning the angry feeling. "you don't even know anything about my life. i don't want this stupid engagement. bom means absolutely nothing to me and i want to tell aera that. she needs to know i wasn't lying to her."

renjun harshly took his arm from sungchans hand. "don't bother, her mark is fading. i don't think she wants to hear it" he told the prince, once again walking away from him.

this time sungchan let him. he stared at the empty hall where renjun had walked only short minutes ago. he heard something fall on the ground, making him turn around.

he saw bom standing only a small distance from him. she had small tears in her eyes. "you... you don't care about me? not even a little bit?" she asked him, her voice shaken.

even thought they didn't know each other well and had only met a few times, she had started to care for him a little bit. she tried her best to make this work, knowing she had to marry him no matter what.

sungchan titled his head slowly downwards. "i'm sorry" he mumbled before walking back to mr. moons room.

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