Blood, Sweat and Tears

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Taking Yuna in his arms, Mo-tak rushed down to the basement, the three other counters in tow.

He gently placed the smaller girl onto the spare bed, Ms. Chu holding her palms over the wound, eyes closed in concentration.

Mun watched in amazement as a glowing mist trailed from the older woman's hands to his classmate's shoulder.

The skin around the gash glowed as it mended, the process obviously uncomfortable as Yuna began to writhe around in her unconscious state. Groans of pain left her lips as her back slightly arched from the bed.

A bead of sweat ran down the side of Ms. Chu's face as her facial features bunched together.

About a minute had passed when Ms. Chu opened her eyes, hands dropping to her sides.

"Is she going to be okay?"
Mun spoke in a small voice, his eyes not leaving the unconscious girl.

He may not have known her for long, but Mun liked to believe he was a good judge of character, and Yuna seemed like his kind of person.

"She'll be fine. Yuna's strong." Hana spoke.

Mun smiled. I thought as much.

"She sure knows how to make an entrance." Mo-tak added, rolling his eyes as he recalled the sarcastic nature of the teenage girl.

Ms. Chu gazed down at Yuna, a soft smile on her face as she brushed any stray strands of hair from the younger girl's eyes.

Interrupting the almost peaceful moment, Hana let out a gasp, her eyes glazing over.

"What? What is it?"

"I've got one.


"What the hell?"

Yuna groaned, cradling her injured shoulder as she stood for the bed. She swayed for a second, her vision slightly distorted from her sudden movements.

"Hello? Mo-tak? Ms. Chu?"

Yuna stumbled up the stairs, stopping in her place when she sees how dark it is already. She scanned the room, a nostalgic feeling rushing through her.

It looked exactly the same. Familiar.

Yuna frowned as her eyes landed on a yellow piece of paper, black pen scribbled across it.

We'll be back soon. Wait here.

She had no doubt that Mo-tak had written the note. Yuna laughed at the blunt words, moving to pick the paper up.

As her fingertips graced the note, colours clouded her vision for the second time that day, except this time it wasn't a memory.

Yuna looked at her surroundings with furrowed brows. Through the blurriness, Yuna could make out concrete blocks and stacks wooden boards. After a few more seconds, she spotted a sign.

'Sinwang Stonemasonry'

Yuna inhaled sharply, her vision clearing, "Sinwang Stonemasonry, okay. That's where I have to go."