The boy

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Y/N point of view:
As I stumble into class on the first day and of course I was late. A light blush danced on my cheeks as the room went silent and everyone looked at me. I stare at the ground fiddling with my fingers in embarrassment. I jump a little when I hear the teacher deep voice rise up from the silence. "L/N F/N is it? You're late."

"I-i know im so sorry there was traffic and then-"

"I dont need you telling me your life story. Sit down next to Bum. Yoonbum raise your hand."

I look a round to see a small hand pop up in the back I follow the arm down to the boy sitting there he was small and sick looking...He had dark fluffy hair and pale skin. As I approached closer to him I take note of how cute he actually looks. I take the seat right next to him and I look over to him and he gives me a soft smile. I almost giggled from how cute his crooked smile compliments his soft face so perfectly. This boy...I get an off vibe from him... The boy..what was his name again..Bum? Yoonbum I believe.

Words: 220
F/N = first name
L/N = last name

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