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Why did God give us the power to make wealth? And why did He tell us, in Deuteronomy 8:18, to remember that this power comes from Him? I believe He wants us to never forget this fact because He wants us to use this power for His purpose, not ours.

But what is this purpose?

I discovered that the purpose of creating wealth is connected to the promise God gave Abraham in Genesis 12. In verse 2, He said He will bless Abraham and his descendants, so that they may become a blessing to all the nations of the world. God blessed Israel by giving them land and the power to make wealth, because how can they bless others when they have nothing to share?

Furthermore, the concept of being blessed to be a blessing finds its root in the command God gave to man in Genesis 1:28, which is to be fruitful. To be fruitful does not only mean to have children. More than that, like a plant, it means to take the little that we have to use it to provide for our needs, and to continually grow our resources so that someday we will have more than enough to share with others.

Do you know that a plant has no use for its fruits? This is because it cannot take back its fruits for food. The plant produces fruits so that it can be a blessing to those around it. God gave us the power to make wealth through our jobs and businesses for the same reason—so that we can be a blessing to those around us. If only we understand the amazing power we possess and the wonderful purpose it serves, we can actually change this world and make it a better place to live in.

I hope we will all use our power properly and live out our purpose. May we become a blessing to the world so that we can also be a good witness for our Lord. 

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